How Long Each Zodiac Sign Will Chase After You
Jayson Hinrichsen

How Long Each Zodiac Will Chase After You


They will chase you until they get bored. Until trying to capture your attention stops feeling like a fun adventure. Until the thrill is gone.


They aren’t going to chase you because they aren’t interested in begging someone for time and attention. They aren’t interested in spelling out their worth. They aren’t interested in playing games.


They will chase you until you want them back. This sign tends to want what they can’t have so they might end up enjoying the chase more than they enjoy the concept of an actual relationship.


They aren’t going to chase you because they are self-conscious. They won’t want to bother you if you aren’t interested – and unless you say otherwise, they’ll assume you aren’t interested.


They will chase you until you make it clear that you don’t want to date them. Until you tell them that it’s a no for certain. Until you stop giving mixed signals and make your intentions clear.


They aren’t going to chase you because they want someone who realizes their worth from the start. They don’t want to explain why they’re a catch. They want you to see it from the start.


They will chase you until they find someone new to capture their attention. Until they find someone else who seems like they’re more interested in a relationship and actually returns their feelings.


They will chase you until you give them closure. Until they understand why a relationship between you is never going to work out. They will respect your decision, but they at least want to know why.


They will chase you until you end up in a relationship with someone new. Until your heart is officially taken by someone else. Until you’re off the market for good.


They aren’t going to chase you because their main focus isn’t on love. They would rather put their effort into other things, like their career and passions. If love comes to them, they will be open, but they aren’t going to chase it down.


They aren’t going to chase you because they aren’t interested in being the one who cares more, the one who is trying harder. They want the relationship to be equal from the start.


They are going to chase you for as long as you keep giving them mixed signals. If you’re flirting, then they’ll feel like there’s a chance and they can break through to you. They aren’t going to give up if you give them even a little hope.