How To Harness The Magic Of The Hunter’s Moon (And Its Eclipse in Taurus) On October 28
October 28th, 2023 is filled with powerful, transformative, and life-altering energy. It’s a great time to release that which no longer is in alignment with our soul’s ultimate purpose, in order to step into a higher, truer version of ourselves. But first things first…
What’s a Hunter’s Moon?
The Hunter’s Moon is the first full moon after the Harvest Moon. The name originated because it signaled the time to prepare for the upcoming winter by hunting. Meat had to be prepared and preserved for storage for the long season ahead, details the Farmer’s Almanac. Like most names given to full moons, the “Hunter’s Moon” is believed to have come “from Native American, Colonial American, or other traditional North American sources passed down through generations,” according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac. Indigenous people have names for each Full Moon during each month of the year that were adopted and/or translated by European settlers. The earliest use of the name of Hunter’s Moon can be found in the 1710 Oxford English Dictionary.
The Hunter’s Moon peak illumination will be at 4:24 P.M. EDT on Saturday, October 28 this year. This one is special because it will result in a partial lunar eclipse (a full moon eclipse in Taurus). The eclipse will be at its maximum at 4:14 P.M. EDT. It will be visible in some, but not most parts of North America. You can check if you’ll be able to see the eclipse from where you live here.
Spiritual Meaning of the Hunter’s Moon
The full Hunter’s moon calls for a time to slow down and turn your attention inward to reflect on your metaphorical harvest. As we prepare to welcome the year’s dark quarter, this moon beckons you to question what you’ve been cultivating. It’s a period to think about what has worked out for you and what hasn’t. In what ways have you grown? What changes can you make that would be more conducive for growth? What relationships or habits have been holding you back from your heart’s true desires? Now is the time to let go of these things.
What’s a Partial Lunar Eclipse?
A lunar eclipse occurs when a full moon is happening at the same time as the Earth, Moon, and Sun are aligned. The Earth comes between the Sun and Moon, casting a shadow on the Moon—or an eclipse. During a partial lunar eclipse, that shadow doesn’t completely cover the moon.
Astrological and Spiritual Significance of Eclipses
Eclipses line up with the lunar nodes, otherwise known as the Nodes of Fate—unseen astrological points in the sky that represent our karmic path and illuminate our destiny. The North Node signifies our highest purpose, while the South Node is emblematic of what we are leaving behind. Whereas solar eclipses are about new beginnings, lunar eclipses are all about endings. They bring closure and reward us for our efforts. With the Moon in Taurus on the North Node, this eclipse is showing us a pathway forward and away from the things keeping us stagnant, which are being revealed by the Sun in Scorpio on the South Node.
Eclipses force us to confront our shadow selves and recognize the patterns that have influenced our past and are influencing our future. They beg us to notice that which we didn’t see before. Think of lunar eclipses as “super-charged full moons” that bring about a life-altering and transformative period. They mark culminations and breakthroughs (and sometimes breakdowns). We are inspired to reflect on our innermost fears, thoughts, and feelings. Emotions are exponentially heightened during this time. We may be faced with situations where we feel compelled to react. It’s important not to act impulsively during this time of chaotic energy. Instead, focus on releasing that which isn’t aligned with your highest self and allow yourself closure.
What Makes the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus So Special?
The lunar eclipse in the sign of Taurus on October 28 is closing out the series of eclipses that have occurred in the Taurus-Scorpio cycle that began in November of 2021. Think back to where you were during this time in 2021 and 2022—these are themes that are likely reoccurring in your life right now. Because this cycle took place on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, motifs can include major transformations in the following: values, loyalty, power, authority, money or other assets, resources, self-worth, emotional or financial security, stability, art, embodiment, and sensual pleasures.
The eclipse in Taurus is all about living your dreams and desires. It calls you to step out of that portal and into your new life by illuminating what you crave in order to feel safe and comfortable. What satisfies and sustains you? Let go of all the weight holding you down and focus instead on that security and those pleasures. The stubborn energy of Taurus is motivating you to examine where in your life you have been resisting change. What’s holding you back from your transformation? It’s time to release toxic habits, outdated beliefs, and relationships that have been blocking you from realizing your fullest potential. Break those cycles or risk repeating the same lessons. This eclipse is showing you what isn’t in alignment with you and what no longer resonates with your soul. Pay close attention.
Re-evaluate what and who inspires you, the things and people that bring you joy, your values, and your spending habits. Meditate on your emotional needs and how to successfully fulfill them. Embrace your metamorphosis (Scorpio) and strive for emotional and material stability (Taurus).
This is happening a short three days before Samhain and four days before Día de los Muertos—don’t be afraid to use the fact that the veil is at its thinnest to call upon your ancestral spirits and guides. What signs are they giving you? How are they speaking to you right now? Are they visiting you in dreams?
Signs most affected by this eclipse will be the four fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Is it Safe to Practice Magic During an Eclipse?
Many witches and astrologers highly suggest avoiding any kind of spells and manifestation during eclipses and instead focus on release, meditation, and reflection—because of the chaotic, unpredictable, destructive, and karmic nature of eclipses. Eclipses make us susceptible to rapidly-changing emotions and desires. What we feel or crave so intensely during a lunar eclipse could change tomorrow. This fact coupled with the intense power of lunar eclipses can result in dire consequences when manifesting and spellcasting, especially if you’re inexperienced.
Other practitioners are vehemently opposed to this negative way of viewing the power of eclipses. They advocate for practicing magic during these events, insisting that eclipses can be one of the most potent times for spellcasting and manifestation.
It’s important to note that you can always choose to work with the energy the universe is providing you however you see fit. The most beautiful thing about your spiritual practice is that it’s yours. Only you know what’s for your highest good. As long as you understand the energies and work with and not against them, then you’re golden.
That being said, we’re taking the safe route here and pausing, reflecting, observing, cleansing, and meditating. Below find ways to make the most of the energy provided by the full Hunter’s Moon and the lunar eclipse in Taurus.
Activities to do During Lunar Eclipses
Spend time connecting with nature
Take walks
Practice self-care
Make gratitude lists
Divination and Tarot
Connect with your spiritual side
Confront any emotions that rise to the surface
Work with stress relieving crystals
Have heart-to-hearts with your innermost circle
Anything that helps ground you
Embrace the season
Dispelling Negative Energy
You can always smudge or use incense to clear out the negative energy from your space and home. If you’re looking for a smoke-free way to accomplish this instead, then try:
The Vinegar Method:
1. Use a clear glass and keep in mind that you cannot use it again—it will have to be disposed of.
2. Fill the glass with one part vinegar, then one part sea salt, and finally one part water. You must fill to the brim with water. Stir well.
3. Place it in the most prominent area of your home.
4. Check to see if the salt is still rising after 24 hours. Once it has stopped rising, all negative energies have been trapped. Discard away from your home and dispose of the used glass.
The Lime, Salt, and Clove Method:
1. Fill a plate with sea salt.
2. Slice three limes into quarters without cutting the whole way through. They should be able to be pulled back apart while staying together.
3. Insert three cloves into the fleshy part of each lime.
4. Place limes on the salt-filled plate and sprinkle each lime with sea salt.
5. Let them sit for three days, then dispose.
Lunar Eclipse Spiritual Cleansing Bath
1. Ensure your bathroom is clutter-free.
2. Start as close to the eclipse as possible. You want to be settled in by the time it reaches its peak.
3. Draw a bath. Use bath salts and essential oils of your preference to set the mood and intentions.
4. Light white candles and turn off the lights before getting in.
5. Focus on what you have learned during this eclipse cycle.
6. Cleanse with intention. Visualize the water washing away what no longer serves you. Once you are done taking your bath, look at the water going down the drain and picture all those things disappearing with it.
7. Express gratitude for your cleansing, growth, and transformation.
8. Blow out the candles to signify the end of the ritual.
Simple Release Ritual
1. Write down what you need to release on a piece of paper. This can be situations, relationships, people, habits, or patterns that no longer serve you or align with your soul’s purpose—anything that keeps you from your truest, highest self. Be extremely detailed and clear about everything you want to release.
2. Fold the paper away from you three times. It is imperative that you fold the paper in the direction opposite from you. Folding towards you is inviting those things back in. Fold away from you to signify that these energies are no longer welcome near you.
3. Burn it (by any method of your preference). Use a match, a lighter, incense, sage—it doesn’t matter how. What’s crucial here is to practice visualization while symbolically setting fire to the things that are holding you back. Picture these things as whatever you must—a dark light, a black smoke, little monsters or demons—and visualize them leaving your body and spirit.
4. Discard the ashes (preferably outside).
5. Express your gratitude.
6. Prepare to welcome the things that are truly meant for you.
Simple Tarot Spread for the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Card 1: What truths are being revealed to me that I potentially haven’t yet seen?
Card 2: What is keeping me stagnant?
Card 3: What do I need to let go in order to step into my full power?
Card 4: How will I transform?
Card 5: What aspects of myself do I need to focus on healing?
Crystals and Stones
Moonstone for activating intuition and creativity
Labradorite for transformation
Obsidian for clarity, power, protection, and blocking/transforming negative energy
Black tourmaline for grounding, protection, and purification
Amethyst for intuition and to relieve stress and anxiety
Quartz to enhance spirituality
Bloodstone for the courage needed to release and step into your higher power