Brandon Woelfel

How To Rekindle The Spark In Your Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Ask your partner what they want. Sure, you’re good at making decisions, but remember: This is a partnership. You’re always charging forward, which makes it easy to miss things along the way.


Get out of your comfort zone. You’re a well-known homebody. Even if you’re with another homebody, there’s still such a thing as too much of a good thing. Plan a date night and get out of the house to show you still care. Better yet: Make it a regular thing.


Stop and really listen. You usually do more of the talking of the two of you. While you’ve probably found someone who’s a good listener, they need to feel heard, too.


Sign yourselves up for a couple’s spa day. All the tension that’s been growing between you–likely just a side effect of two emotional people being around each other so much–will melt away.


Pamper your partner. Do the works. Breakfast in bed, a day doing all their favorite things. Sometimes you make things about you, but this time, it’s all about them.


Let your partner plan something for the weekend. You’ll be itching to step in and help, but no need. Even if it’s more easy-going and spontaneous, you’ll still have a good time. Plus, your partner will be happy you trust them to take the lead.


Do something just the two of you. No double dates or friendship vacations. No consulting your inner circle for ideas. Show your partner that you’re comfortable as a unit of two–and do something special while you’re at it.


Open up about how you’ve been feeling. Whatever’s been bugging you, let it all out. Your partner will appreciate getting a peak behind the curtain.


Empty your schedule for the week. I mean completely empty. Your partner likely feels like they come second to your busy schedule. Show them that you can just be with them without having to run out for your next big plan.


Trust that your partner knows what they’re doing. You usually think you know what’s best for everyone around you, but your partner will grow resentful if they feel like they have no agency. Keep your advice to yourself.


Put all your projects aside, stop work at a reasonable hour, and just give your full attention to your partner. Talk about your feelings, share happy memories, and remind them that you’re an active member of the relationship.


Remember that your partner can’t read your mind, and you can’t read theirs. While you’re no stranger to communication, assumptions still run away with you if you let them.