How To Survive The Last Mercury Retrograde Of 2024, According To Your Zodiac + Tarot
Mercury retrograde can be a challenging time, and this mini tarot reading is focused on giving you information about situations and challenges you’ll be facing. There will be three cards drawn: Situation, Challenge, and Advice.
- The Situation card represents the major situation you’ll be dealing with that is most challenged by Mercury’s retrograde motion.
- The Challenge card indicates challenges that you may face (externally or internally!).
- The ‘Advice’ card is general advice on how to get through this turbulent time.
7 of Pentacles
Some of your work is in the final stages and out of your hands. Spend this time evaluating your experience and revisit what you’ve done. What worked? What didn’t? How can you use what you’ve learned?
8 of Swords
You feel stuck and unable to see a way forward, much less plan your way out. You’re far past the point of even wanting to try anymore, and instead are just trying to get through the day to day.
Queen of Pentacles
Embrace your practical side, and nurture yourself as much as you do others.
Change is inevitable, and being able to fully transform means letting go of things that don’t serve you or support where you’re going.
7 of Swords
There’s deception surrounding you, and to get to the bottom of it is going to take some cunning. Trust your instincts. If something sounds like it’s too good to be true, or if something ‘feels’ sketchy, it probably is. Be strategic in how much you give of yourself to others.
Knight of Cups
Listen with an open heart as well as an open mind, and the emotional motivations will be easier to determine.
5 of Wands
It feels like what is supposed to be a healthy competition has devolved into quarrelling. Remember what The Great British Bake Off has taught us: that competition doesn’t just have to be about who wins, it can also be about sharing knowledge and supporting others.
4 of Swords
Burn out is imminent, and you’re badly in need of some rest and relaxation. Leaving time for meditation and mental restoration is vital to recuperation and performance. Schedule time on your calendar to rest if necessary.
Embrace your emotions, and spend time delighting your inner child.
8 of Cups
Just because you’ve invested a lot of yourself into something doesn’t require that you continue to do so, especially if it feels like it does nothing but hurt you. There are times when all we can do is let go and walk away.
Page of Wands
Focusing on the task at hand is challenging. Remember why you embraced this journey, and see if that can lead you back towards the inspiration to focus on the way forward.
Queen of Pentacles
Abundance is all around you. If you have problems seeing it, refocus on your gratitude.
The Emperor
You may be experiencing a change of authority. Maybe the new leadership isn’t in the style you like, or is one you’ve clashed with before. Remember that you are your own ultimate authority.
The Hermit
While there are power plays that are calling for your presence, you just aren’t feeling it. You’d rather hole up somewhere, nursing your wounds and examining the lessons you’ve learned.
3 of Pentacles
Collaboration is the name of the game. Regardless of how much you want to hide away, working together is more important now than ever.
3 of Swords
Loss, betrayal, and heartbreak are some of the most challenging parts of the human experience to process. Give yourself space to grieve and deal with the feelings of absence.
Knight of Swords
When feeling emotionally raw and dealing with loss it’s easy to jump to conclusions without all the information. There are few things that can trick us into feeling more healed than a new personal crusade. Use your pain to help others, but don’t rush in so quickly you can’t see the situation for what it is.
The Sun
Seeing things in a new light can be invigorating and inspiring.
The Lovers
The choices we make in life about those closest to us help build our character. Remember that the people in our lives shape our world view and reflect our values and levels of self-knowledge.
Queen of Wands
You’re on a mission of relentless forward progress on your personal goals – the issue is you aren’t being given the opportunities you feel you need to ‘level up.’ Your frustration is also leaving you feeling aimless.
The Sun
Things are unfolding as they should. Share your light with others, and see how everything blooms in time.
7 of Wands
If it feels like you’re being attacked from all sides, that’s because you are. You’ve got what it takes to hold steady, so take your stand and defend your turf, it’s time to be fearless.
8 of Swords
You feel hemmed in and like there’s no possible move to make. The situation you’re in is amplifying your feeling of isolation and ultimately helplessness. Your disappointment in yourself is blinding you to the reality of your situation, and to the fact that you do have power.
3 of Swords
Letting go of something that doesn’t work is better for you than allowing it to tear you apart.
3 of Cups
It’s time to connect with your kindred spirits and celebrate the community that you’ve built and maintained. Regardless if this experience is through a family of origin or found family, the feeling of siblinghood can be transformative.
King of Wands
There’s a lot of potential, but no direction. Your energy may be boundless, but it’s all over the place. Keeping your passion and inspiration focused may hamper your ability to see new opportunities, but it’s the only way to take advantage of the current ones.
8 of Pentacles
It’s the fine details that make a master craftsman. Take the time to build your skill.
Knight of Pentacles
Dependable, hard work is exactly your specialty. You express your ambition through your conscientious efforts, and your cautious and practical approach are prized. While the work might feel monotonous, you’re making steady progress.
When we spend a lot of time processing the lessons we’ve learned into knowledge about justice, it can make seeing injustice in the world harder to bear. Given how hard you are working, you also find it difficult to deal with the karmic imbalance you’re seeing in the world.
The World
You are coming up on completing something big. Tie up the loose ends, and consider what exciting thing you want to become next.
King of Cups
You find yourself in the position of needing to comfort or be there for someone else during a time of great stress. Your emotional intelligence and empathy will be invaluable to the person you’re helping.
The Devil
We all have attachments and temptations. It’s one thing to engage with pleasure, it’s another to allow it to overtake and rule you, ignoring your higher self for your desires.
Queen of Wands
You’re being asked to be an inspiration to those who are struggling, and your passionate vision can help them overcome their obstacles.
10 of Cups
There’s an overall feeling of security and contentment in your life right now. You’ve found a lot of harmony and love in your relationships, and it has helped you to connect with your gratitude.
Ace of Cups
Because you’re feeling so happy and comfortable, you find the idea of a change or anything new as threatening. You might revert into old patterns and behavior, and find yourself being overly sentimental and nostalgic. Instead of embracing the changes you need to grow, you might turn them away.
9 of Swords
Face your fears before you lose more sleep.