Reminders For Dealing With Toxic Humans
Sharon McCutcheon

“I Could Fix Him If…” Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Oh boy, who doesn’t love a good fixer-upper project? I mean, sure, we’re talking about people and not houses, but still, the principle applies, right? Some of us see someone with “potential” and think, “I can totally change this person for the better!” But let’s be real: it’s not that easy.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): “I could fix him if I just show him who’s boss.”

Aries, your fiery personality and desire to be the alpha might lead you to believe that you can simply dominate your toxic partner into submission. However, trying to “control” someone in this way can only lead to further resentment and escalate the toxicity in your relationship.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): “I could fix him if I give him enough love and patience.”

Taurus, your unwavering loyalty and devotion might make you believe that if you shower your toxic partner with love, he will eventually change. Unfortunately, this approach often only reinforces negative behavior and can leave you feeling drained and unappreciated.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): “I could fix him if I could just get through to him with my words.”

Gemini, your way with words and adaptability can make you think that if you can just find the right thing to say, you can convince your toxic partner to change. However, this can turn into a never-ending cycle of empty promises and disappointment.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): “I could fix him if I just make him feel safe and secure.”

Cancer, your nurturing nature and protective instincts can make you believe that if you create a comfortable environment for your toxic partner, he will have no reason to lash out. Sadly, this often only enables his destructive behavior.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): “I could fix him if I just make him see how amazing I am.”

Leo, your confidence and natural charisma might make you think that if you can just prove your worth to your toxic partner, he will have no choice but to change his ways. In reality, this can lead to a never-ending cycle of trying to win his approval, which will only further damage your self-esteem.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): “I could fix him if I just help him get his life together.”

Virgo, your desire for perfection and your analytical mind might make you believe that if you can just organize and manage your toxic partner’s life, he will see the error of his ways. However, this often turns into a one-sided dynamic that leaves you feeling overworked and unappreciated.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): “I could fix him if I just help him find balance.”

Libra, your need for harmony and your diplomatic nature might lead you to believe that if you can just bring balance to your toxic partner’s life, he will change. Unfortunately, your efforts to “fix” the relationship can end up creating even more imbalance and turmoil.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): “I could fix him if I could just break down his walls.”

Scorpio, your intense emotions and determination might make you think that if you can just penetrate your toxic partner’s defenses, you can get to the root of his issues and help him heal. However, this can lead to an exhausting cycle of emotional warfare that leaves both of you feeling wounded and depleted.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): “I could fix him if I just show him the world.”

Sagittarius, your adventurous spirit and love for freedom might lead you to believe that if you can just expose your toxic partner to new experiences and perspectives, he will grow and change. Unfortunately, this can result in you dragging him along on your adventures, only to discover that his toxic behavior remains unchanged.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): “I could fix him if I just set an example of success.”

Capricorn, your ambition and drive for success might make you think that if you can just show your toxic partner what it means to be successful, he will strive to improve himself. However, this can turn into a one-upmanship game where you’re constantly trying to prove your worth, while your partner remains stuck in his toxic ways.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): “I could fix him if I just appeal to his intellect.”

Aquarius, your intellectual curiosity and innovative mind might lead you to believe that if you can just engage your toxic partner in deep, thought-provoking conversations, he will see the light and change. Unfortunately, this often results in intellectual debates that further entrench his toxic behavior and push you apart.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): “I could fix him if I just heal his emotional wounds.”

Pisces, your empathetic nature and intuitive abilities might make you think that if you can just tap into your toxic partner’s emotional core, you can heal him from within. Sadly, this approach can leave you emotionally drained and vulnerable to manipulation, as your partner continues to exploit your compassion.