Andrea Piacquadio

It’s A Good Thing Your Ex Blocked You—Here’s Why

Your ex blocked you.

How many times have you asked yourself, “What did I do?” Or maybe, “How do I move on?”

Knowing they’ve cut you from their contact list or social media only brings confusion. You can’t justify their decision, and dwelling on it makes your blood boil.

Will they ever reach out again? It’s the cliffhanger of the worst kind.

But what seems like a bleak ending is actually a good thing. Here’s what I mean.

You (officially) know where you stand

Even if the breakup ended amicably, your ex blocking you tells you everything you need to know: they’re moving on… and so should you. They’re likely exploring their world; that can mean dating other people or simply starting a self-discovery journey.

Whatever you think they’re doing, don’t focus on it. Don’t let your curiosity spiral out of control. You can’t let what-if scenarios take up space in your mind.

This is the time to take your freedom back. You’re free of the drama, free of the head games. There’s no need to question your post-breakup status, and as harsh as it sounds, it’s officially over. Don’t wait by the phone and expect them to reverse their decision—it’s not worth your energy.

You can focus on healing, not worrying about them

It’s perfectly normal to wonder what your ex is up to or how they’re doing. Even if they broke your heart, sometimes you just want to know if they’re miserable without you. Without a way to know, it’s easy to get lost in your thoughts.

You can’t change what happened. If they hadn’t blocked you, you’d most likely be driven crazy by mixed signals. Think about it: if they liked your recent photo on Insta or texted and asked what your plans are tonight, you’d question what it all means and where you stand. Instead, turn inward and focus on yourself.

Turn your attention away from them and put it onto you. Get back to your interests, your passions, and your dreams. You have 100% permission to be selfish and self-indulgent.

You can find closure for yourself

With closure comes forgiveness. And you don’t need your ex for any of it. They both come from within.

You know how the story of your breakup goes. You remember how you felt after the last goodbye. Their side of the story or their input on the entirety of your relationship isn’t needed. Neither is an apology.

You can forgive them and yourself without one.

A little exercise you can do is write two letters—one addressed to yourself and the other to your ex. You don’t have to send it, show anyone, or keep it.

Get all of your feelings onto the page, no matter how ugly. Be truthful and stick to the facts when retelling your memories.

Once you’re done, rip them up, burn them (safely), or scribble all over them. These letters represent closure and permission to move on.

You’re proving you’re self-reliant

Life sometimes has a funny way of showing you exactly what you need—even if the situation is hurtful. Your ex blocking you is an opportunity for a metamorphosis. To become the best version of yourself without it impacting someone else.

That closed line of communication leaves room to be completely with yourself. You’ll become reacquainted with yourself inside and out. Everything you want in life will happen because of you.

You don’t need your ex to heal or move on. They might’ve been a significant part of your life, but the next chapter is waiting to be written. Live this new story to the fullest!

It’s a chance to show your strength

Your ex blocking you might feel like a missed opportunity to show them how well you’re doing. Prove it to yourself instead.

Don’t wallow and waste your time wondering if they’ll come back. Chances are, they won’t. But you’re better off anyway.

When it comes to mutual friends, don’t be tempted to ask how your former flame is doing or to relay a message. Let your ex sit with the consequences of their actions. It’s their loss, not yours.

Of course, with strength comes the need to balance it. Be gentle with yourself. No matter how much time has passed, you’re allowed to still be hurt or angry. Take it day by day; just don’t give your power to them—they don’t deserve it.