June 21’s Strawberry Full Moon: Zodiacs, It’s Time To Let Go
Aries, your fiery nature drives you to seek quick results and immediate gratification. During this Strawberry Moon, release the expectation that everything must happen now. Understand that true growth and goal getting can take time. Embrace patience and trust that the Universe will reward your efforts in the perfect divine timing.
Taurus, your need for stability can lead you to crave certainty in all aspects of life. This Full Moon, let go of the expectation that you must have everything figured out. Accept that life is inherently uncertain, and that’s where the beauty lies. Allow yourself to be open to surprises and the unexpected twists and turns that can lead to new aligned opportunities.
Gemini, you are eager to please those around you. This Strawberry Moon, release the expectation that you need to make everyone happy. Focus on your own needs and desires. By being true to yourself, you’ll attract relationships and situations that align with your authentic self, rather than spreading yourself too thin trying to satisfy others.
Cancer, your emotional depth can sometimes lead you to expect complete control over your feelings and reactions. During this Full Moon, release the expectation to manage every emotion perfectly. Allow yourself to feel fully and understand that vulnerability is a strength. Embracing your emotions will lead to deeper self-awareness and emotional freedom.
Leo, you can sometimes desire to seek constant validation from others. This Strawberry Moon, let go of the expectation that you need external approval to feel worthy. Quite simply, you don’t. Focus on self-validation and recognize your inherent value. By doing so, you’ll find a deeper sense of confidence in yourself and what you bring to the world by just being your authentic self.
Virgo, it’s fair to say that you to strive for perfection in all you do. This Full Moon, however, release the expectation that everything needs to be flawless. Embrace the idea that imperfection is part of the human experience. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. There is no such thing as a bad lesson. This will lead to greater growth and a more compassionate view of yourself and others.
Libra, your desire for a quiet life can lead you to avoid conflict at all costs – even at the cost of speaking your truth. During this Strawberry Moon, release the expectation that you must keep the peace at all times. Understand that healthy discussions can lead to growth and deeper understanding in relationships and friendships. Embrace the courage to speak what’s on your mind, even if it disrupts the status quo.
Scorpio, your intense nature makes you crave control over situations and people. This Full Moon, the Universe is asking you let go of the expectation that you must have power over everything. Accept that some things are beyond your control, and that’s okay. Trust in the process and allow life to unfold naturally. This will bring a sense of peace and reduce stress in all areas of your life.
Sagittarius, your love for adventure can lead you to expect limitless freedom. During this Strawberry Moon, release the expectation that you must always be unbound. Understand that commitment and responsibilities are part of life’s journey and can bring their own kind of fulfillment. Finding balance will help you enjoy your adventures even more.
Capricorn, your drive for success can make you expect constant productivity. This full moon, let go of the expectation that you must always be working or achieving. Embrace the importance of rest and relaxation. Understand that downtime is crucial for long-term success and well-being. Allow yourself to take breaks and recharge without guilt.
Aquarius, your out of the box thinking often sets you apart from the crowd, yet you might still feel the pressure to conform. During this Strawberry Moon, release the expectation to fit in with the opinions of others. Embrace your uniqueness and the unconventional paths you are drawn to. Trust that your individuality is one of your greatest strengths and will lead you to where you need to be.
Pisces, your dreamy nature can lead you to expect an escape from reality when things get tough. This Full Moon, let go of the expectation that you must always retreat into your imagination or avoid the present. Embrace the here and now, with all its challenges and beauty. By staying grounded, you’ll find more effective ways to manifest your dreams into reality.