One Big Mistake You Do NOT Want To Make In 2024, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


DON’T take that job offer. It might seems like a great opportunity, and sure, it’s a lot more money, but do you really want to move away? And what about all the friends you’ll leave here? And what about all the friends you won’t make there? I’m telling you as a dear friend—DON’T take that job offer.


DON’T spend any more money gambling. Gambling is designed to impoverish the gambler and make the casino rich. Don’t give them any more of your money; it’s precious, hold onto it.


DON’T choose pleasure over love. Yeah, he’s attractive but deep in your soul you know you’ll never love him. And even though he has you singing a happy tune at the moment, sooner or later you’re going to feel used.


DON’T try to get back together with your ex. You know it’s a bad idea, he knows it’s a bad idea, all of your parents know it’s a bad idea, and every last one of your friends know it’s a bad idea, but especially you and him know that it’s a bad idea which will only burn away all the good memories you had and leave only bitterness.


DON’T forgive anyone that you don’t feel, deep down in your guts, deserves to be forgiven. Some people are genuinely sorry and try to repair the damage they’ve caused; but a lot of other people only seek forgiveness so they can feel good about themselves and fall asleep at night. If you feel they don’t deserve your forgiveness, be smart and don’t forgive them.


DON’T drink and drive anymore. Why do I even have to tell you this? You’re lucky that what happened wasn’t a lot worse than it was—you have no idea how lucky you are. So please, if you want to have a good time, and we all do, make sure you can do it safely. No one needs to get hurt just so you can have some fun.


DON’T alienate that wealthy family member. Believe me, I know they’re an asshole. Everyone does. But think about the long game—in a quarter century from now, gritting your teeth and being nice to that asshole relative may mean the difference between failure and success. Trust me, I know how tempting it is to confront them and put them in their place, but it’s definitely not worth throwing away a future you might not otherwise have.


DON’T fall back into your bad eating habits. You’ve worked hard to re-balance your diet and fall in love with how you feel in your body again. Don’t go back now.


DON’T take your loved ones for granted. You never know which relative might befall a horrible fate this year. And you’ll be stuck in your tracks, realizing that you’ll never, ever again see the uncle who took you to the carnival when you were in kindergarten because the two of you were petty enough to argue at Thanksgiving and not speak for months after.


DON’T repeat any of the mistakes you made in 2023. Do I have to make a list for you? OK, the mistakes in romance, the financial mistakes, all the bad health decisions, the legal situation you found yourself in, and the fact that you ended the year not one inch closer to any of your life goals than you were a year ago. THOSE mistakes.


DON’T forget to be kind to strangers. Ooh, baby, it’s a wild world out there and we all know it’s dangerous. But being rude to someone you never met may not be the wisest thing in such a world. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong person in the wrong place at just the wrong time would just be, you know, WRONG. Be kind to strangers is all I’m saying.


DON’T give up on your biggest dream just because it hasn’t come true yet. You don’t want to become just another one of those people who marches slowly through life playing it easy, living in a dull little world and never reaching your goals. You have two tasks this coming year: 1) Figure out what’s getting in your way; 2) Move it out of your way.