Should You Hold On Or Let Them Go, According To Astrology + Tarot
Your Card: Queen of Pentacles
The answer is pretty straightforward for you, Aries. You should forgive them but at the same time, you should maintain some distance. At least for the time being. I’m not saying you should completely cut them out of your life forever, but do hold them at arm’s length. Allow this person to show that they’ve changed or grown. Don’t let them back in right off the bat. In the meantime, all you need to do right now is focus on yourself. Get your work done, get your money straight, get with friends and family, and get your shit together. Keep your standards high and if they cannot meet the expectations you set, then you can slowly forget them and phase them out of your life without it having to be a big dramatic send-off.
Your Card: Six of Swords
Forget them, Taurus. I’m sorry. I know how hard it is to have to hear that, it’s a position I’ve been in before and a pain I’ve had to deal with as well. But speaking from experience, and as indicated by the Six of Swords, there is much better waiting for you on the horizon. It might not feel like it right now, but there will come a time in the near future when you look back on this moment you decided to finally walk away, and be grateful that you did. Because if you haven’t made this sacrifice now, you will miss out on the blessings waiting for you. It’s gonna suck right now, but it won’t last very long because something is coming for you that will make all this pain worth it.
Your Card: The Empress
Forgive them, Gemini. Not only do they deserve a second chance with you but you also deserve a second chance with them. It seems you have both equally fucked up and hurt one another in some way whether you want to fully acknowledge that right now or not. But this issue that you are dealing with right now can be fixed and not only that, but it will help make the relationship stronger. This connection needs to be nurtured in the right way and it’s going to require empathy, patience, understanding, honest communication, and above all else, forgiveness. But this person is certainly worth holding onto. The Empress suggests that whatever issues you two are having aren’t malicious. Meaning no one intentionally meant to hurt the other, sometimes we hurt the ones we love the most by accident and all we can do is work together to fix the issue and forge a stronger bond.
Your Card: Seven of Cups
You can forgive this person as many times as you want, and they can say sorry till their face turns blue, but the fact of the matter is that this issue that you two are currently facing will come up again and again. The Seven of Cups indicates some sort of cycle you find yourself stuck in. A cycle that this unique combination of your love together seems to perpetuate no matter what either of you does. You can both promise change but to be honest, it doesn’t think that change will be sincere or even possible. So to answer the question, if you want a chance at something better than this, then forget them. But if you’re comfortable with the idea of repeating the same pain over and over again then forgive them. But for you to be able to forgive them over and over, means you’ll have to turn a blind eye to their toxic behaviors and accept that this is as good as it will ever get for you both. But my question to you is, why do you honestly believe that this is the most you deserve?
Your Card: Ace of Swords
It seems like you already know the answer to your question but for whatever reason you continue to find yourself asking it hoping for the answer that you want to hear. Forget this person, Leo. Forget them and don’t turn back. You need to remove any emotions from the equation and depend on logical reasoning when working through the process of forgetting them. Your emotions are what’s keeping you trapped in this. That’s why even though you already know the answer to your question, you still find yourself clinging to any sign of hope that things can work out between you and this person. Take your own advice, and forget this person. And anytime you feel your emotions trying to convince you to go back, remember your why.
Your Card: Death
Forgive them then start completely over with this person, Virgo. The Death card suggests and need for renewal. For whatever reason, you and this person seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. Perhaps it’s a matter of circumstance. As if you’re both dealing with personal issues that seem to be affecting your relationship with one another. Or perhaps other people got involved and created more problems where there weren’t any to begin with. With that said, you should forgive them, but hold off on letting them in right off the bat. To start fresh, it’ll take a bit of time apart to really wash away all the old bad blood. It seems that you both have some very necessary growing to do on your own and that may take some time. Allow life to play out as it will. Trust that if this person was meant to be in your life, then it will be. And if they are meant to be in your life, you’ll both be on the same frequency after going through this transformation.
Your Card: Page of Pentacles
Forgive them. Not because they deserve it, but for yourself. This may be someone you feel a lot of hate and resentment towards which is unlike you. Typically you’re more understanding of others and know how to let things go. But for some reason, whatever this person did seems to be cutting you deep. And while they don’t deserve to be in your life anymore, you should forgive them because otherwise, this hatred will hurt you more than it will hurt them. Forgiveness isn’t always about absolving someone of their transgressions against you and letting them back into your life. Sometimes forgiveness is about unburdening yourself of the pain that a person has caused so that you can let go of the past and move forward. So forgive them, then forget them, so that you can finally heal.
Your Card: Nine of Cups
Forgive them. Because this problem or the transgression that they caused, isn’t nearly as big of a deal as you’re making it seem. I’m not saying that what they did wasn’t wrong. What I’m saying is that you’re afraid of getting hurt and so it seems that you’re blowing this problem a little out of proportion to push them away. You’ve been hurt in the past and so, whether you realize it or not, you’re putting up these walls to protect yourself. And while you genuinely do care about this person, you might be looking for any reason or little excuse to forget them to keep your heart safe but how long can this go on? How long are you going to continuously push people away?
Your Card: King of Cups
Forgive them Sagittarius. It seems that there are a lot of misunderstandings with regards to this problem and so you both feel some type of way about the other. While you are both justified in feeling a certain type of way, this is only reoccurring because neither of you has all the facts or can see the full picture as clearly as you think. It seems that you feel very hurt by them and vice versa the feel the same way towards you. But the good news is that, because you’re both missing pieces of the puzzle, the reality is neither of you has done anything to the other that can’t be fixed or resolved. The lack of face-to-face communication is what’s causing things to be blown out of proportion. There is a lot that can be worked out through clear communication but this is going to require you both to leave emotions out of the equation. You both seem to be clinging to the pain that was caused
Your Card: Ace of Pentacles
Forgive them, Capricorn. But just this one time. And if they screw up again. Forget them completely and never look back. The presence of the Ace of Pentacles suggests that there is a chance for the two of you to wipe the slate completely clean and start fresh. There is a lot of potential here but for whatever reason, neither of you can seem to get a steady footing. This might be because of external circumstances, or matters in your personal lives that must be dealt with first to make room for each other. However, while there is potential, you don’t want to waste your time either. So be direct, be firm, and let it be known that you’re not the one. They know you’re not the one but a little reminder wouldn’t hurt. And if they screw up again, stay true to your conditions and walk away, You’ll be fine with or without them. Trust in that because this knowledge will give you the strength to continue.
Your Card: Three of Wands
Forget them, Aquarius. They’re not on your level anyway. Maybe they have some redeeming qualities, however it seems that you are completely out of their league in every regard. That is not to say that they’re not a good person or that they don’t have some things going for themselves, but the thing is, they’re never going to be able to match you. They can’t match your intelligence, they can’t match your energy, they can’t match your humor sensibilities, or your empathic abilities. You have a high bar set for those around you not because you’re selective but because you by nature are an incredibly impressive person by nature. So you should forget them because they’ll never understand you, they’ll never understand your problems, and they’ll most certainly never fully understand the issues that you have with them. They’ll always be clueless to your wants and needs and as a result, this person will only ever hold you back in life. So forget them and find someone who can match your energy.
Your Card: Queen of Swords
Forget them, Pisces. This person has taken advantage of your kindness time and time again. They don’t deserve your patience anymore and they don’t deserve your empathy. It seems this person senses that they can take advantage of these qualities that you have and the last thing they expect from you is to stand up for yourself and walk away. They think that they can continuously you for granted because you continuously put up with their bullshit. But no more. The Queen of Swords is telling you to set that clear boundary and stick to it no matter what. Trust it without feeling guilty for being “too harsh”. You’re not being harsh at all. If anything, you’ll find that once you finally stand on business and stop putting up with bullshit, you’ll start to receive more respect from people around you.