Emotional Immaturity Is One Of The Biggest Red Flags
Nesrin Danan

Stay Single Until You Find Someone Emotionally Mature

Never settle for someone who is emotionally immature because you will feel like you’re walking on eggshells around them. You will hesitate to open up to them about your feelings because you won’t want to scare them away with your emotions. You will end up hiding important pieces of information from them to avoid making them uncomfortable – but that’s not the way a healthy relationship should work. If you don’t feel free to communicate openly with them, then the relationship is never going to last. You are never going to feel like you’re able to be your real, authentic self around them.

Never settle for someone who is emotionally immature because you will feel the distance between you grow wider as your relationship progresses. Instead of getting closer to them and getting to know them better, you will feel like you have no idea what they’re thinking. You’re not a mind reader, so it’s important for your partner to share their thoughts and feelings with you, to explain how they’re doing and why they’re making the decisions that they do. If you’re left in the dark, then you aren’t going to understand what’s happening within your own relationship. You will spend your days confused and uncertain about what the future holds for the two of you.

Never settle for someone who is emotionally immature because the way they treat you will vary wildly based on however they’re feeling in the moment. They will have trouble controlling themselves when they’re upset or angry, frustrated or annoyed – but those moments are natural in every relationship. Remember, you deserve to be treated with respect, even in the middle of arguments. Your person shouldn’t treat you like trash whenever there’s a misunderstanding, whenever they disagree with your diverging opinion. They should stay respectful, no matter how bad of a mood they’re in, no matter how drunk or high they are, no matter how enraged they’re feeling in the moment. They shouldn’t let their emotions get the best of them if that means making you feel like shit.

Never settle for someone who is emotionally immature because problems will never get resolved. You’ll keep experiencing the same problems again and again, caught in a cycle. They won’t want to compromise with you because they won’t even want to accept that there is an issue. They would rather pretend that everything is okay, and might even lie to keep the peace, because they don’t want to deal with your emotions – or their own emotions. Of course, in a healthy relationship you should feel comfortable talking through problems and coming to compromises that make both of you happy. If you ignore that something is wrong, it will only breed resentment. It will make the relationship weaker and weaker.

Never settle for someone who is emotionally immature because they aren’t going to give your thoughts the consideration that they deserve. They might accuse you of overreacting and making a fuss over nothing at all – which is not the way they should respond to your vulnerability. They should welcome your honesty. They should value your transparency. They should be willing to hear whatever you have to say.