Agency / Midjourney

Tarot Guidance On How Each Zodiac Can Cultivate A Heart Of Hope

Having a more positive and optimistic outlook can help us be our best selves, and hope is an important ally in our quest for personal growth and in manifesting the lives we want.

Our tarot reader has pulled a card for each zodiac sign to help guide them in cultivating hope.


Your Card: Four of Wands. One of the ways you can cultivate hope is through celebrating your successes, and enjoying how far you’ve come and the world you’ve managed to build around yourself, Aries, This card is an indicator that you’ve been moving in the right direction, and all the work that you’re putting in is building something special for you. It’s a message to you that taking the time to recognize your accomplishments and enjoy what you’ve created ultimately can help you center your feelings of gratitude, and remind you of just how much hope your future holds.


Your Card: Ace of Cups. Opening your heart will help you to cultivate hope, Taurus. You’re on a path of spiritual healing and fulfillment and are deepening your relationship with your emotions and generating more emotional intelligence. This sort of spiritual and emotional work ultimately leads towards hope by showing how connected we all are. The Ace of Cups is a message that your new-found emotions will help you find and cultivate hope even in the most challenging of times.


Your Card: 4 of Pentacles, Reversed. Things haven’t been easy, Gemini, and while you’ve managed to scrimp and save and get yourself to a better point of financial stability and security those fears and concerns still dominate some of your thoughts. Remember that life unavoidably contains risk – and is more than just the material. Focus on what you’ve created with what you’ve gathered, and the skills you used to get there. Think of the things you’ve done and the people you’ve helped. The more you’re able to focus on your successes, the more you’ll find hope.


Your Card: Strength, Reversed. There’s so much potential in you right now, and if you were able to couple your firm compassion with a boundless well of hope and inspiration you’d be nigh unstoppable, Cancer. Instead of the quiet confidence you deserve to have, you are instead wrestling with self-doubt. To cultivate a more hopeful and optimistic mindset, focus on your gentle resilience, on how you are able to stay calm and still even in a moment of chaos, and on facing your fears – especially those around success. 


Your Card: Judgement, Reversed. Embrace all aspects of yourself, Leo, including your shadow side, and understand how all of your facets build into something greater than its components – you. To cultivate hope and optimism, examine how your experiences have built who you are – and understand your motives and inspiration for your decisions. Seeing how you’ve been molding yourself and in control of your growth will lead to feelings of empowerment and hope.


Your Card:2 of Wands. It’s the power of your action that can help you cultivate hope, Virgo, and embracing the opportunities and possibilities in the world around you is the best way to cultivate a hopeful and more positive mindset. It’s time for you to make a plan to take advantage of what you see in front of you, and use your creative energy and inspiration to light your path towards a brighter, and hope-filled future. 


Your Card: Knight of Cups. It’s time for you to examine your feelings about love, Libra. There’s something about the first blush of love that can make us feel boundless hope and optimism. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, and take some time to think about how you love, who you love, and what your love language is. Use your expanding sense of love and your deepening experiences with it to guide you toward hope and contentment.


Your Card: King of Pentacles, Reversed. Your depth of emotional intelligence and ability to understand complicated relationships would be unstoppable if it was balanced with material security, Scorpio. Once you’re able to feel more stable and secure, you’ll be able to create and nurture that more positive mindset. Be steady and consistent as you build momentum. Be assured that you’ll feel far more empowered and confident if you have all the resources to succeed at your fingertips. 


Your Card: 10 of Cups. You have a profound ability to connect with people when you want to, Sagittarius. It’s those connections, the community of people that you’ve created that will help you embrace a more positive mindset and cultivate some hope. It is often through our shared moments with those that we love that we’re capable of experiencing a feeling of belonging and oneness. Those moments of harmonious expansion are stepping stones towards your higher self.


Your Card: 4 of Cups, Reversed. It’s been difficult and turbulent, but that’s no reason to allow pessimism to rule your mindset, Capricorn. Think about what you’ve gained from these challenging experiences, and while you are still in this chaotic and strange time, try to focus on the resilience that you’re building. Recognize your strengths, and start to reframe your frustrations as lessons. As you intentionally shift your focus from frustrations and annoyances towards your thoughts of gratitude, hope and optimism are sure to follow. 


Your Card: 8 of Cups. While it can be challenging and grief-filled to let some things go, it can also be a testament to our growth and emotional resilience, Aquarius. Your strength in choosing yourself and your well-being will inspire more radical acts of self-love and acceptance. Knowing when to walk away, even when you’ve spent so much energy on something, is an important step in emotional growth. That you’ve recognized when to walk away this time will help you usher in a new, more positive era filled with optimism and hope. 


Your Card: The World. It’s your ability to synthesize the depth of your experiences that helps you to cultivate hope and create a more positive mindset, Pisces. The more you learn and experience being a part of this world, and feeling more complete for being within it, helps guide you towards a more optimistic viewpoint. Your shift in perspective may come from life-altering events, or literal travel. Regardless of the source of your experiences within this world, they will help you feel empowered to manifest the world you want.