Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, April 5, 2024


Your Card: The World

Today is all about you Aries. You’ve made the most of your season and today you are closing a major chapter of your life. The World tarot card represents enlightenment, prosperity, wholeness, and completion. You’ve pushed yourself past your limits and as a result, you’ve proven to yourself and the people around you that you’re stronger than you thought before. But as this chapter closes, you must prepare for the next journey that lies ahead. Now that you know what you are capable of doing, you will spend this next chapter going further than before. The World represents the end of the fool’s journey in major arcana and thus ushers in a fresh start. Prepare to embark on a new venture.


Your Card: Page of Pentacles

Today is all about what grounds you. The Page of Pentacles represents earth of earth. She bares a strong connection with Mother Earth and the cycle of seasons. Today you may find yourself in reflection of the things you’ve slowly yet steadily accomplished. As we approach Taurus season, contemplate the things you want to continue striving for, as well as what matters in this material world. The Page of Pentacles asks you to be practical and feel gratitude towards the little wins and accomplishments you’ve made thus far. Today is a normal day for you. The gap between chapter one and chapter two. Continue doing the things you’re doing as we approach your time of the year.


Your Card: The Devil

Don’t beat yourself up, Gemini. Today you may be feeling like your vices are getting the best of you but this is a part of being human. We can’t outrun our shadow, we can only embrace it. If you feel like there are aspects of yourself you are trying to repress, today it may feel as if they’re back with a vengeance. Perhaps you’re trying to kick an old habit or some sort of addictive inclination. This could be regarding anything that is concerning you right now; love, health, spending. Whatever it may be, you must understand that you are not powerless to yourself. With The Devil card present, it is a reminder that we are not a slave to our shadow, we have much more control over ourselves than we think but to regain that control, we must forgive ourselves for being human. Two steps forward one step back.


Your Card: The Hermit

Lately, life has been emotionally intense for you. The Hermit card is a sign to retreat and reflect on the series of events that have brought you here. While it’s good to vent your frustrations to those you trust most, you may be doing it too much. What I mean by that is, the people around you aren’t always going to have the right answer even though they want what is best for you. Take some time to evaluate your thoughts. Don’t allow your emotions to get the best of you before you do or say something you may regret. Now is not the time to speak, now is the time to think. You will know what to do or say next once you’ve tampered your emotions. There is nothing wrong with taking some time to be alone. Silence and self-imposed isolation can be uncomfortable for you but it is incredibly beneficial that you do this for yourself today.


Your Card: Queen of Swords

You are the queen of faking it til you make it, Leo. Today you may be feeling insecure in your abilities to lead and get things done but don’t let this get to you. There is nothing wrong with being emotional, but when there is a certain call to action, it is best to set feelings aside and do what is right. The mood that you set will impact those around you. Don’t let them sense that you may be feeling weak or not right for the job. You are exactly where you’re supposed to be. Don’t question this. You deserve to be where you are. So put the anxiety aside as best as you can, take a deep breath, and put how you feel aside for right now. You must be rational for the greater good.


Your Card: Nine of Wands

You’ve completed the first step towards a greater goal of yours that you have in mind, Virgo. With the Nine of Wands, now you are being called to prepare for the next step. Now is not the time to slow down. Don’t lose the momentum you’ve gained thus far. To slow down would only set you back further. Seize the moment before it passes you by forever. Remain diligent and on the defense. I know you’re exhausted and I know you’ve already put in so much of yourself to your mission, but push just a little harder for a little longer. Hang in there. Relief is coming soon.


Your Card: The Tower

Today may not be an easy one for you but think of The Tower card as a necessary harbinger. The Tower represents the destruction of fundamental beliefs and ways of being. With that said, it may not be easy to have to confront the cracks in the foundation but it is necessary in rebuilding a stronger sense of self. What aspects of your being do you feel are being called into question? You may be facing a letdown of sorts that is forcing you to re-evaluate how you’ve gone about your days. Something isn’t clicking and now is the time to figure out what. If you hide from this upheaval, it’ll only make the days more challenging. As we approach the solar eclipse on April 8th, today is an important step towards enlightenment.


Your Card: Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands is an exciting card to receive and one of my personal favorites to pull in a reading. The Eight of Wands represents sudden success and rapid movement. This sort of energy is felt both within and around. It symbolizes the fire that burns within each of us and manifests in the form of a sudden call to action. You may receive an important message or opportunity. Whatever physical form the Eight of Wands takes on for you today, don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Say yes to whatever it is. Take advantage of this opportunity as it will carry you with great momentum. There is a theme here that will carry on through the solar eclipse happening on April 8th and catapult you into a new way of being.


Your Card: Ten of Swords

Let me start with this Sagittarius… not every day will be like today. That’s the good news. The bad news is that you still have to get through today, but it’s fleeting. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our pain and the sense of emotional defeat that we experience temporarily that we forget this too shall pass. Don’t fight the pain or the devastation, that’ll only perpetuate it longer. Feel out what you are experiencing and allow it to pass. Identify what the source is, analyze it, understand it, and forgive yourself. Tomorrow will be better. As we approach the solar eclipse on April 8th, all of these feelings will alchemize into a meaningful release until new hopeful beginnings appear. As you are working through these emotions, hold onto hope because hope is what will pull you from this.


Your Card: Ten of Wands

You have a lot on your plate today Capricorn. Right now you may find yourself in a position that you fought to be in. Whether that be in regards to your career or love. Though with the Ten of Wands, this may take the form of your destiny or true calling. This may mean something different depending on who you are. With that said, today you may be feeling overwhelmed, wondering when it all gets easier. The thing is, it won’t get easier. From this point on, life is just going to be a lot for the foreseeable future. However, you will just get stronger, Capricorn. The Ten of Wands tarot card illustration depicts a man carrying the weight of the world upon his back and though this may feel intimidating, as time goes on, you will become stronger and the weight will feel lighter. Eventually, you’ll find yourself ready and excited to take on more challenges.


Your Card: Queen of Pentacles

Take your time today Aquarius. The rest of the world is moving a mile a minute but you don’t have to. The Queen of Pentacles asks you to move at your own pace. It’s not worth burning yourself out. The Queen is in no rush, she takes her time knowing that patience and attention to detail are what’s important to cultivate success and manifestation. Protect your inner peace. Just because everyone else is running around with their heads cut off, doesn’t mean that energy has to get to you. Everyone has convinced themselves that to succeed, we must push ourselves past our breaking points but rest is a necessity. It may feel like everyone else is miles ahead of you, but they won’t be able to sustain that forever. Eventually, they’ll burn themselves out and crash, meanwhile you’ve taken your time and have reached the finish line faster. Think of the hare and the tortoise. Slow and steady wins the race.


Your Card: Eight of Cups

With the Eight of Cups, today you may feel disillusioned with the idea of someone or something that just isn’t working out in the way that you hoped. Don’t think of yourself as a failure or that letting go means saying goodbye to your chance at happiness and fulfillment. It may be hard to move on from something after putting so much time and energy into making things work. It wasn’t in vain, Pisces. You’re walking away with something more than what you started with and you will carry whatever that is into the next venture. The lessons that life teaches us are invaluable. Sometimes it’s not the trophy that we walk away with but rather, a better version of ourselves. This experience was merely a stepping stone towards what is truly meant for you. Be proud of that.