Los Muertos Crew

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, June 21, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Four of Cups

The Four of Cups is calling you to pause and reflect on your emotional well-being today. You could use introspection, especially with the Strawberry Moon making her presence known. What you need right now is clarity and to realize that there is always a path forward. Lately, you’ve been in a rut. Life has felt stagnant, and it has caused you to feel apathetic about mostly everything. Reassess your attitude, Aries. You can pull yourself out of this place. It’s time to leave your pity party and start thinking of real solutions. Try a new approach, even if it’s completely unexpected. You’ve never been one afraid to take risks, so charge ahead. If life has felt empty, it’s never too late to change course and create true meaning in your life.


Your Card: Death, reversed

This Full Moon is a good time to let go of things not meant for you—those that you’ve been trying to forcefully fit into your life. As the fixed earth sign of the zodiac, you find comfort in familiarity, even when it’s to your own detriment. The thought of the unknown is utterly terrifying to you. Much like death, change is inevitable, and it’s time that you stop resisting it. There are situations and relationships that as much as we want to make work, they just aren’t meant to be in our lives. They run their course, some only serving as lessons. You have to let it go, if it’s no longer serving you or helping you grow, and especially if it hurts you. Carve out time today and be radically honest about what or who is no longer in alignment with the life you desire, and then leave it behind. If it goes against your values, say goodbye.


Your Card: The Tower

The Tower warns of rough times and upheaval, but don’t let it scare you. All it signifies is that you should be prepared for groundbreaking change. This is a blessing, with the Full Moon today transiting your powerful eighth house of death, rebirth, and transformation. It might be uncomfortable, but you can experience so much growth if you take whatever shifts come your way with grace. Think of it as shedding old skin that no longer fits your mold. Trust that any endings you may see today and any loss you might experience, are bringing you closer to a more empowered and authentic version of yourself. The Tower is also advising you to break free from old patterns that confine you—any draining relationships, self-limiting beliefs, harmful habits. Let them go under this lunation.


Your Card: Nine of Wands, reversed

There’s a boulder that you’re carrying between your shoulders that’s getting heavier by the day. Right now you’re struggling to maintain your strength and resilience and losing the will to keep pushing forward. Start believing that you can make it out of this dark period. Don’t let your anxieties and fears become your own personal prison. Let them go under this Full Moon. Leave behind your self-doubt. Pause and reflect on where you started and remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Stop carrying this weight alone. Reach out to someone trusted. Find support within your community. This is what loved ones are for. You’ll be surprised at how much lighter you’ll feel even by just venting and sharing what you’re going through. Try having a little more faith in yourself today, so you can forge ahead confidently tomorrow.


Your Card: Knight of Swords, reversed

Think it through before you speak and before you act today, Leo. You’re going to be feeling irritated, impatient, and highly impulsive. The Full Moon is going to heighten these feelings. Be mindful of not stepping on others as you work towards your aim. Acting in a rash manner this Friday can bring you serious consequences down the line. Make an attempt to set your preconceived notions aside, and be open to listening to the perspectives of others. Their insights deserve as much respect as yours. It might be a good idea for you to spend some time alone this evening, especially with this lunation transiting your sixth house of self-care and well-being. You can focus on yourself, while avoiding having anything or anyone set you off.


Your Card: Nine of Pentacles, reversed

Carve out time today to reflect on your sense of value. It’s especially important that you do with the Full Moon transiting your fifth house and pushing you to more authentically practice self-expression. Use this lunation to do as the reversal of the Nine of Pentacles advises—start working towards regaining confidence in yourself. You don’t need anyone to survive in this world, Virgo. The stability you deeply crave is one that you can create alone—financially and emotionally. You’re inherently a self-reliant person, but you’ve let some obstacles across the way let you forget. If you truly want to be free, you need to stop depending on external sources for fulfillment. Your job doesn’t define you, neither does a relationship, your possessions, or your social status. You’re worth what you’re worth because of who you are. Once you realize this, you can start moving as a more aligned and genuine version of yourself.


Your Card: Wheel of Fortune, reversed

The reversal of the Wheel of Fortune is a heads-up to expect the unexpected. There is big change coming your way. The Full Moon in Capricorn today is setting forth many of these huge transformational forces. Don’t be resistant, Libra. It might be uncomfortable at first, but be certain that the tides will be turning in your favor after you get through any rough transitional period. Let go of your need for certainty and control, and trust that the Universe has a plan for you. All you have to do is embrace the unknown and surrender. You can handle these shifts with more ease if you give a release ritual a try under today’s Strawberry Moon. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Just write down a list of things you wish to let go to catapult you into new heights—toxic patterns, old habits, draining relationships, self-doubt, confining beliefs, generational trauma, anything. Set fire to it or tear it up and dispose of it outside your house. Then, work on the harder things that are going to take a little bit more time. 


Your Card: Two of Swords

Lately, you’ve been struggling with uncertainty and indecision. There’s something you’ve been agonizing over and that has you torn to a point of inaction. You have to stop letting all your outstanding decisions get in your way. It’s normal to be afraid of making the wrong choice, but making no choice at all is much worse. You have to move forward in some way. If it doesn’t end up working out how you would have hoped, then you take a different approach. Don’t be more afraid of failing than of staying stuck in the same place. Use this Full Moon to weigh your options and try to gain some clarity. Shut your fears down. Trust your instincts, Scorpio. If anyone has a good intuition, it’s you.


Your Card: Page of Wands, reversed

The reversal of the Page of Wands indicates that you’ve been struggling with being reconnected with your inner spark. As a fire sign, it’s been making you feel very unlike yourself. This card encourages you to do everything you can to move from this uninspired place and rid yourself of your creative block. If anyone can do it, it’s you—curious, adventurous, wonder-eyed you! Inspiration is everywhere you just have to get out there and dig for it. Start today, even if it’s small. Read a new book. Watch a movie that’s more of a work of art. Paint just for the fun of it. Book a trip. Go out and meet your friends and lose yourself in the moment. Live life a little. The ideas will come to you again. Be sure that when they do, you spend time developing them and watching them grow. 


Your Card: King of Pentacles

This Full Moon has you ruminating on the future this Friday, particularly as it relates to your aspirations. You’re feeling a desire—a need—to get things done. It’s making you reflect on what new perspectives you need to adopt and what adjustments you need to make in order to make your dreams a reality. The life you envision can be yours, Capricorn. So, aim high under this lunation. Don’t set any limits for yourself. Be mindful of your time, energy, and your resources moving forward. Invest in what matters. Take some time today to make a list of everything you need to let go to invite more self-discipline into your life. Be radically honest with yourself about ways in which you can be more bold and take risks. You don’t always have to play it safe. 


Your Card: Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is urging you to clear out the confusion and uncertainty and make informed, well-reasoned decisions. She wants you to be smart and think with your head, and not your heart. Whatever is going on in your life right now that requires you to act, take control of the situation already. Express yourself fully and clearly. Set the boundaries you need to set. Be direct and get to the bottom of the truth you’re after. Take the lead on a difficult project. Pitch that idea you’ve been sitting on to your boss. Make bold and fearless choices. Put your own needs first. Demand what you deserve. Be self-possessed and self-confident. You’re the one who gets to decide what your life looks like, so get to work. 


Your Card: Five of Pentacles

There’s a loss you’re dwelling on today, Pisces. It might be recent, or from your past, but it’s weighing heavy on you and causing you to feel sad and lonely. Use the power of this Full Moon to remind yourself of your inner strength. If you need a little push, then whatever you do, don’t isolate yourself tonight. Make plans with friends, or reach out to them, even if it’s just for a phone call. Let the people who love and understand you the most be there for you. Unburden yourself. They will help remind you that this shall pass. Stay gentle with yourself if you can’t see them. Do things that bring you comfort, whether it’s watching your favorite movie, ordering in from your favorite restaurant, or eating a whole bucket of ice cream. Just give yourself what you need.