Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, March 21, 2025

Table of Contents


Your card: The Magician

This card indicates a time of great power when it comes to manifestation. What have you been wanting to do lately, but haven’t had a chance to make a move yet? There’s no time like today. Look for openings and messages from the universe, and even if you don’t find them, make a move anyway.


Your card: The Lovers

Harmony is coming your way today–especially when it comes to your relationships with others. While this card can be taken literally, indicating powerful moments in romantic relationships, it can also mean the harmony between you and a friend or even two versions of yourself.


Your card: 4 of Pentacles

This is a time when it’s better to be safe and practical with your money rather than frivolous and thoughtless. If you come across a moment today when you feel compelled to buy something you don’t need, go against that energy. It’s better to be financially secure right now.


Your card: 8 of Swords

Have you been feeling powerless lately? Like the universe has it out for you? The truth is, you aren’t as powerless as you might feel. You have much more control over how you feel and what’s happening in your life than you’re willing to admit to yourself. Take your power back.


Your card: Temperance

Moderation is key today. You may hate that you got this card, but that’s exactly why you need it. Your fiery intensity can sometimes get you in trouble and that’s especially the case right now. Rather than listening to that part of your psyche, lean toward balance and moderation instead.


Your card: Death

One phase of your life is ending while another is about to begin, and that’s not the bad omen it may sound like. Truthfully, good things can come from fresh starts. Embrace this new part of your life and look forward to the opportunities to come.


Your card: Queen of Wands

Do something courageous today–especially if the outcome could increase the happiness in your life. What that means is entirely based on what you want and it would be different for everyone. As you move through the day, look for all the little ways you could change everything.


Your card: 9 of Swords

Are you feeling a little off today? Perhaps you woke up in a bad mood and you can’t seem to pull yourself out of it. This card signals a time of depression and sorrow. Hopefully that’s just for today and you wake up feeling so much better tomorrow.


Your card: 4 of Swords

Take it easy today. You’re often so go-go-go that you don’t stop to consider whether what you’re doing is actually making you happy. Slow down and chill out. Even if you don’t come to any amazing, life-changing conclusion from your day off, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t worthwhile.


Your card: Page of Swords

Have you nurtured your creative side lately? Here’s your message from the universe to do just that. What is drawing your interest right now? Photography? Painting? Crochet? Follow the spark of inspiration and do what ignites your creativity. You’ll feel recharged if you focus on this side of yourself today.


Your card: 9 of Cups

You’re feeling particularly emotionally stable today, which is always a good thing. But remember that emotional stability is all about the balance between feeling everything and feeling nothing. With this kind of balance, today might be the perfect day to have a difficult conversation.


Your card: King of Wands

Talk to people today. This card is signaling a time of social aptitude and charisma, which feels like the perfect card for an empathetic and friendly Pisces. You may even feel inspired after having these conversations, so it’s a win-win.