Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, October 4, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 8 of Pentacles

As you already know, practice makes perfect. Unfortunately, as one of the most impulsive signs of the zodiac, you often move on to the next big thing before you ever reach “perfection.” Today, instead of starting something new, go back to one of your projects and work harder at what you’ve already begun.


Your card: 5 of Cups

Regret is a tricky thing. While it can be a useful way to learn from your mistakes–a skill you can bring with you into the future–regret easily becomes something that does more harm than good. If you’re stuck in the past today, ruminating on the mistakes you’ve made, consider whether this exercise is no longer serving you.


Your card: Page of Swords

If you get a new idea today, don’t let it float away without you. Instead, start making that dream a reality. What can you do today to set yourself up for success? And before you start your negative self-talk, know this: You are capable of amazing things and it would be a shame if you held yourself back from doing them.


Your card: 8 of Cups

As the motherly, empathetic sign of the zodiac, you often give people and situations second, third, and fourth chances. After all, you root for the underdog. Unfortunately, sometimes you just have to walk away. Today, allow yourself permission to say goodbye to a situation that’s no longer good for you.


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

Be there for the people around you today. There may be someone in your inner circle who could use some help, even if it’s just to move some heavy furniture into their place. Don’t disappear when asked for help. Instead, be the comforting presence they need right now.


Your card: Wheel of Fortune

This is a lucky day for you, especially if you’ve been putting positive energy out into the world lately. Keep your eyes open for opportunities that could turn into something amazing. Let the magic of the universe lead you to a happy and lucky outcome.


Your card: King of Swords

Don’t fall for other people’s lies today. Instead of accepting the word of someone, think through their motives. If something feels off, your gut instinct may be right. Although, it may not be others that are trying to keep a secret from you–it could be your own subconscious. You have the power to figure it out.


Your card: 5 of Wands

Feeling spicy today? If anyone tries to mess with you right now, they’re in for a world of hurt. While you may let some things go occasionally, that’s not the case right now. Because of that, you may want to steer clear of people who get on your nerves. Some battles aren’t worth fighting.


Your card: The Lovers

Relationships, whether romantic, platonic, or familial, work best when there’s harmony and balance. That could mean compromising over an issue or doing a better job of showing your appreciation for those whom you care about. Today, do something to work toward that harmony.


Your card: 6 of Pentacles

While you’ve worked hard for what you’ve gotten, that doesn’t mean you should be holding everything so closely with an iron grip. When an opportunity opens up to be generous today, don’t let it pass you by. Open your heart and your means so you can ease the burden of those around you.


Your card: Ace of Swords

Have you been stuck on something lately? Maybe you haven’t been able to find a solution to a problem or you don’t even know what the exact problem is–you just know that something is wrong. Today, you may just stumble on the answer. Keep your eyes and heart open and you should find the clues.


Your card: The Sun

You’re going to be feeling ultra positive and optimistic today–so much so that you may be sporting some serious main character energy. Spread your warmth and light around everyone you meet today. That’s the cool thing about the sun–everyone benefits from its rays.