Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Monday, March 3, 2025

Table of Contents


Your card: Page of Wands

You’re not the type to prefer doing the same boring thing every day on repeat for the rest of your life, but even you can get stuck in a rut. Today, do something different. Large or small, doing something to break from your routine will reenergize your life again.


Your card: The Devil

The devil on your shoulder may be encouraging you to do something you shouldn’t. Be careful before you make any decisions today or you may end up regretting them. In fact, you may just want to lay low today to avoid ruin entirely.


Your card: Strength

There may come a moment today when you have to face something a little scary. While you could run from the situation, remember that you’re strong. Be brave–but only if you’re in a relatively safe position to do so. You can handle what comes your way.


Your card: King of Swords

Search for the truth today. You often trust that people are being real with you, which can backfire when it turns out they were hiding something. Today, don’t take things at face value. There may be hidden secrets that are worth uncovering.


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

This is a great day to treat someone to a meal or a drink. Whether it’s your romantic partner, a friend, a coworker, or a beloved family member, treating them to dinner or a fun lunch goes a long way toward forming unbreakable bonds. And, bare minimum, it’s just a nice thing to do.


Your card: 8 of Swords

When things aren’t going your way, it can be easy to blame the universe or some nebulous outside force what what’s going wrong. It can’t be your fault, right? Truth is, you’re a powerful presence in your own life and you have control over how things go. Today, take your power back.


Your card: Knight of Swords

If you want cool things to happen today, you have to be the one to make them happen. Do the ambitious thing and ask for what you want. Take action and don’t be afraid to go for it. You never know how your day may end up if you put the effort in.


Your card: 3 of Pentacles

While you likely work well all by yourself, sometimes life is easier and more fun when you work with others. When given the opportunity to talk or work with someone else today, take it. You may even end up making a new friend.


Your card: 3 of Wands

This is the perfect day to take action toward something you’ve been wanting. It could mean booking the flights for a trip, asking for a raise, or asking out your crush. Whatever it is, take a brave step toward what you want. You can make this happen, Sagittarius.


Your card: 2 of Wands

Make a plan to get out of the house today. While you may have plenty you want–or need–to do at home right now, it’s a good idea to get some fresh air. Start enjoying the weather warming up for soon-to-be spring. Your winter doldrums were holding on tighter than you realized.


Your card: 8 of Pentacles

This is a great day to work on the skills and hobbies you’ve been wanting to hone. Whether it’s something related to your job or a task that you want to do just for fun, taking time to work on it will help you get better than ever.


Your card: The Sun

You know that warm, happy feeling you get when the sun shines on your skin? That’s the same energy you’re exuding today, spreading positivity to everyone you speak with. Maybe you could blame it on the actual sun as it spends more time in the sky, burning away the final dark days of winter.