Pavel Danilyuk

Tarotscope for Today: Monday, October 7th, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Ten of Wands

You need to unburden yourself of this baggage that you’re refusing to let go, Aries. Only then will you be able to move forward and see your outer world shift? Though you’ve made great progress with working on yourself and working to better your life, the growth is slower compared to what it could be. This is because what you are holding on to is weighing you down. There is a part of you that is still clinging on to the past and you can’t expect forward momentum if you’re still reaching behind you. You don’t have to carry this weight anymore if you don’t want to. It doesn’t have to be your burden.


Your Card: Ace of Cups

You might be thinking right now that allowing yourself to open up emotionally to the people that you care about will result in you getting hurt. This isn’t true, Taurus. If you’re still healing from an emotional trauma or wound from your past, keeping the hurt locked inside of you will make it impossible for you to heal. The Ace of Cups suggests that today you have an opportunity to open yourself up to the world in a way that you haven’t in a while. There is a safe space for you today. A good cathartic release of these emotions is exactly what you need to not only make sense of them but to further understand yourself.


Your Card: Knight of Wands

Be careful of where you direct your anger and rage today, Gemini. You could be taking things out on the wrong people without realizing it. Don’t unintentionally push those away who just want to help you. Be mindful because the Knight of Wands suggests that you are a bit more irritable than usual. Find other outlets for this raging fire to burn off in a controlled setting. Don’t set what matters most to you up in flames because that’ll only create more problems for you.


Your Card: The Empress

 Attract, don’t chase. That is the mantra of the day for you, Cancer. There might be things in your life that you so desperately wish were different, Cancer. But the thing is, if you become too desperate and aggressive with your means of attaining what you want, you’ll only push them farther away. So with that said, The Empress tarot card is a reminder to embrace the feminine archetype. Today you are a magnet for all the things that you want. Let things come to you because they will once you channel this mindset and energy.


Your Card: King of Swords

You may be tested today by the universe or the people around you. This may be referring to a boss, a competitor, or a co-worker. This may also be about a close friend. Regardless of the context, make sure you choose your words carefully so that they are not used against you. Someone might be trying to pry for information without you realizing it, Leo. Just keep this in mind. Say less than is necessary. Read between the lines of the other person’s motivation and intentions. No need to be on the attack, just remain on the defense and stand firm.


Your Card: Nine of Pentacles

You might be in an introverted period right now, Virgo. You tend to go through periods where you’re extremely extroverted followed by periods where you’re introverted and would much rather enjoy the company of yourself than others. Today is a day of peace. You’ve been working much harder than usual and although you haven’t had the time to stop and look around, take that opportunity today. So much has changed since you’ve shifted your mindset. Although it may not feel that way, things are progressing for the better. Enjoy today. Enjoy the comfort and the solitude and continue to work towards what matters most. You’re in the midst of a transformation whether you realize it or not and so once you return from this period of solitude, the world will get to know an improved version of you.


Your Card: Three of Cups

Don’t get involved in drama today. Your friends or family members might be at odds with one another right now. I know usually you love playing the peacemaker, but for right now, stay out of it as best as you can. They may try and draw you in so that they can feel like you’re on your side. Don’t bite though. There is no reason for you to take sides because this will only break animosity towards you that is completely undeserved. This isn’t your problem so don’t let it become your problem. I know you feel like it’s up to you to fix things so your circle can all be happy together again, but things will iron out in a much less volatile way if you just let them work their shit out. Because if you get involved in picking a side, then the other person might resent you and hold it against you in the future. Don’t give anybody a reason not to trust you.


Your Card: The Moon

 You might be misunderstanding your own emotions right now, Scorpio. You feel like you are accurately reading your feelings and can articulate why you are doing the things that you are doing, but The Moon tarot card suggests otherwise. I don’t think you understand yourself in this context as well as you think you do. Take some more time to ponder the emotional driver within you.


Your Card: King of Pentacles

Don’t doubt yourself today, Sagittarius. You might be called to fill a leadership role of some kind that you may feel a bit underqualified for. However, you are ready to take on this challenge. Don’t doubt yourself. There is a reason why you are where you are so believe in yourself. Even if you feel like you’re not ready, just fake it until you make it. Don’t reveal your timidity to anyone, it will only hurt you. And honestly, even if you did “fake it til you made it” you will find by the end of the day, that you weren’t faking anything to begin with.


Your Card: Six of Pentacles

Today is the start of a very positive and prosperous pattern, Capricorn. Life may have been slow- moving as of lately. You’re trying to make something happen out of virtually nothing, only to feel like your efforts are amounting to nothing. However, the Six of Pentacles is a really lucky card (lucky in my opinion at least). Not only will you feel like things are finally progressing in your life, expect exponential growth. Meaning, that once the good luck and fortune start, not only will it not stop, but good things will come in progressively more and more. If you’ve been hearing a bunch of “no’s” today will be the first of many yes’s.


Your Card: The Hermit

Today you are taking some time away from the world around you and embracing solitude. This is unlike you, Aquarius. But just because it’s out of character doesn’t mean it’s any cause for concern. Some people around you might assume you are depressed or melancholy but what they don’t understand is that even you need some time alone. With that said, today might be the start of a somewhat long period where you are more alone than usual. This is a good thing. The Hermit card suggests that there is some internal work that must be done and to grow, you need this space to ponder yourself without any external noises. Enjoy this peace and solitude because it is preparing you for what is to come next.


Your Card: Nine of Swords

The line between love and hate is very thin today, Pisces. Be wary of someone close to you who may not have your best interest in mind. If you have any frenemies within your circle, the Nine of Swords is a sign that you either cut them off completely or keep them at a safe distance.