Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Your Card: Nine of Pentacles
Don’t be so obsessed with your goals and this idea of “winning at life” that you neglect your close friendships and connections, Aries. After all, who will be there to celebrate your accomplishments if you’ve ignored them all in pursuit of these goals? Remember that a part of why you are so motivated is because of the people around you who love and support you no matter what.
Your Card: Seven of Pentacles
Today you may have to reevaluate your priorities, Taurus. You may be focusing on all the wrong things whether you realize it or not. As a result, you might be too obsessed with certain outcomes that will not yield the level of happiness or fulfillment you think it will.
Your Card: Eight of Pentacles
You may find your passions turning into unhealthy obsessions. Don’t shut out the outside world and close yourself off, Gemini. You might be on the verge of burnout because you are so deeply engaged with the task in front of you without prioritizing your other responsibilities and commitments. Don’t become a hermit. Try to pull yourself away from these obsessions.
Your Card: Knight of Wands
Finish the things that you have started, Cancer. You have many tasks or projects you started on yet never got around to finishing once things became challenging or weren’t as easy to work through. But the Knight of Wands carries with it a powerful energy that is encouraging you to get over this little bump in the road and remind yourself why it is you started these things, to begin with. I promise you that if you finish what you’ve started, not only will you feel incredibly proud of yourself, but it will also encourage you to keep pressing on with everything else you’ve left hanging and see it through till completion.
Your Card: Seven of Swords
You might be in the middle of some sort of petty drama or conflict with someone you were close to, Leo. If this is the case, don’t get caught up in the destructive back-and-forth sucker punches. They may be trying to bring you down to their level by doing something behind your back but that doesn’t mean the way to fight back is by engaging in the same manipulative behavior. No one will win in this toxic game. You’ll both try and bring each other down until both of you are destroyed. So the best thing that you can do is ignore them and let the trash take itself out. It always does in the end as long as you stay out of the crossfire before things escalate even further.
Your Card: Ten of Pentacles
Today might be the first day in a long time where you feel like you can just simply exist, Virgo. Exist without having to worry about money, work, or your friends and family. The Ten of Pentacles indicates that to some degree you will be able to enjoy the life that you have built for yourself thus far and will continue building upon in the future. There is a promise of good fortune on the horizon that will make all the hard work and sacrifices worth it.
Your Card: Strength
Don’t give up just yet, Libra. You might be in the middle of some sort of battle that you’ve given up on. Perhaps you wanted a raise but your boss said no or made you think that they would say no. Maybe this is about someone that you are dating and feel as if perhaps they aren’t as into you as you are into them. Whatever the context may be, there is some area of your life where you’ve decided to throw in the towel, however, the Strength tarot card is telling you not to stop fighting. Don’t stop trying and don’t sell yourself short. You are assuming that things aren’t going to work out but the truth is, you haven’t heard “no” from anyone, you’re just telling yourself no.
Your Card: The Moon
The presence of The Moon tarot card indicates that there are certain truths that you are refusing to admit to yourself right now, Scorpio. Perhaps you fear the realizations that you will make about yourself. As if you’re uncovering a part of your psyche or being that you don’t necessarily like about yourself and would rather keep hidden. But in this case, ignorance is not bliss and will only lead to further inner and outer turmoil. Accepting who you are will give you the self-awareness you require to figure things out and grow from your mistakes. Or it will help learn how to turn your weaknesses into strengths. There is only liberation in accepting your shadow side because it teaches you how to not repress it and use it for good.
Your Card: Ten of Cups
If you feel like your life is getting in the way of actually living (so to speak), then this indicates that you’re not focusing on the things and the people that actually matter the most. By simply refocusing your mindset on all the positive elements of your life, you are able to re-center yourself and stop giving your energy to the wrong things that are inevitably draining you.
Your Card: Seven of Cups
You might be flirting with the past or the idea of it in some way today, Capricorn. This could be about an old bad habit you kicked by deciding today that “maybe one more wouldn’t hurt”. Or maybe you hear from an ex or past connection and tell yourself you’ve healed enough to engage with them a bit. Just be careful is all I’m saying. It might be easier than you think to slip up and fall back into the old ways you worked so hard to overcome.
Your Card: Five of Wands
There seems some internal pressure that you are unable to release, Aquarius. You need to prioritize finding an outlet before you explode in a way that could result in negative consequences. You might also be taking your frustrations out on the wrong people without realizing it. Though it may not seem like you are and you may think you’re concealing this inner turmoil, people are noticing more than you might assume.
Your Card: Three of Swords
Past traumas may resurface in some way today, Pisces. And though you may feel as if you’ve already worked through this pain, to some degree we will always carry the inflictions brought upon us, we just get better at dealing with them as time goes on. This particular pain is something that will heal fully, but today you’re just going to have to weather the storm a bit. It won’t be a great deal of pain you have to deal with, but there may be some lingering feelings that come up. Nothing you can’t handle. At this point in your life, you’ve overcome enough to know how to nurse your wounds.