Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, November 23, 2024
Your Card: Three of Wands
Keep up the momentum and you’ll reach your goals, Aries. If you’re not exactly sure where you’re going, the Three of Wands advises you to start planning for your future with more conviction. You’re being called to examine whether you’re being complacent in any areas in your life. How can you challenge yourself to make bolder moves? This card is all about aiming higher. It carries a message of expansion, growth, and confidence. Keep your big dream in mind today. Think about what real, tangible steps you have to take in order to grasp it.
Your Card: Queen of Swords, reversed
Some advice to keep in mind as you go about your day: Don’t sacrifice your own needs and desires, even if it comes at the expense of letting down someone else. Focusing on what benefits you and makes you happy isn’t selfish, but necessary. Some decisions are just too big and too important not to center yourself around them. Follow your gut. Let your feelings lead the way, don’t be influenced by those of others. This card also wants you to start setting boundaries and being more assertive where you need to be.
Your Card: Six of Wands, reversed
Pretty soon, your perception is going to become your reality. If you keep doubting your abilities, you’re never going to get anywhere. Yes, failures, mistakes, setbacks, and disappointments suck. But are you going to allow yourself to be defined by these things? Or are you going to pick up and dust yourself off? So, what if you screwed up epically, or if you’re not getting the recognition you deserve. Learn from your errors. Do it better next time. And remember, the only validation you need is from yourself. Start thinking more highly of yourself, and see the difference.
Your Card: The Chariot
Today is a day for being bold and taking risks. Pitch your idea at work. Take a new approach. Make moves to finally start that side hustle you’ve been thinking of. Reach out to prospects. Apply for a new role. Look into finally renting or buying a house. Ask out your crush. This card wants you to zero in on your biggest dreams and deepest desires. The Chariot asks that you see your goals through. In order to do that, you have to start living every day purposefully and intentionally. Quiet your fears and anxieties. Let go of self-doubt. Take action.
Your Card: Two of Cups
The Two of Cups represents harmonious relationships, deep bonds, connection, love, and unity. Take it as a sign to spend your Saturday nurturing your connections with your nearest and dearest. Put in some quality time with them, whether it’s meeting up for lunch, hosting them for dinner, or a simple phone call. The important thing is letting them know how much you appreciate them. If you have a significant other in your life, do something special to display your love. If you’re single, don’t stay in tonight. This card indicates the high potential of meeting someone with whom you’ll share a wonderful romance, and it could even lead to something long-lasting.
Your Card: Knight of Swords, reversed
There’s a difference between being assertive and being aggressive, Virgo. Tread carefully and remain mindful today. Consider the consequences impulsive words and actions might bring you down the line. You may have a point to make, but don’t be tactless in your delivery. It’s also important that you’re willing to hear the ideas of others and set aside your preconceived notions. Don’t be resistant to different perspectives and new insights. While a majority of the time it can be the case, you don’t always have all the answers.
Your Card: Four of Cups, reversed
You can leave this place you’ve been stuck in. So, stop wallowing and putting up barriers for yourself. There is a way out, Libra. You just have to choose to see it. If you want a shift from stagnation, darkness, or hopelessness, then you need to adopt a more proactive mindset. You can have a fresh start, but you need to be willing to help yourself. Take everything that is wrong in your life as an opportunity for new possibilities. Make the effort to take a new approach, to do something different, to be bolder, to put yourself out there. Even just leaving the past where it belongs would do you wonders. You’re closing yourself off to so much magic and expansion by lamenting. It’s not going to get you anywhere.
Your Card: The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man asks you to press pause. Accept that you’ve hit a dead end, Scorpio. The best thing you can do right now is take a step back and have some patience. Things aren’t going the way you hoped and planned for, which means that you need to come at it from another angle. Meditate on it. Weigh your options. Make your pros and cons list. Take a look at the bigger picture. Remain open minded, and perhaps change your perspective. Your job right now is to challenge your way of thinking. The answer might not exist within the lines of your comfort zone.
Your Card: Ten of Wands
The Ten of Wands demands that you do less this Saturday. This card indicates that you’ve worked yourself to exhaustion, or that there are overwhelming factors in your life that have left you devoid of energy and resources. Take it easy. Your focus should be on rest and relaxation. Whatever makes you feel rejuvenated, do a lot of it. Take a nap. Exercise. Lounge around on your couch. Read. Binge watch a show. Queue up some comforting movies. Do anything and everything to get you feeling recentered and replenished. After this weekend, make some shifts so that your stress levels don’t get to this point again.
Your Card: Knight of Wands, reversed
The reason you’re not making any headway is that your energy is too scattered. You need to focus your attention and resources. Being the ambitious and dedicated person that you are, there’s so much that you want to accomplish. But maybe you can’t do it all right now. Having your hand in a little bit of everything is stalling your progress. You need to reprioritize for the time being. Choose your most important or urgent goals, leave the rest for another day.
Your Card: Knight of Pentacles
The Knight of Pentacles is a card of hard work, dedication, and persistence. When it shows up, it means business. Use this weekend to get your head straight and your priorities clear. What long-term vision do you want to manifest? How have you been investing in it, and in yourself? In what ways could you be more committed? Come next week, it’s time to keep your eyes on the prize. Put all your energy into realizing this dream of yours. If you put in work every day, you’ll start seeing big changes. Eventually, each and all your wishes will come true.
Your Card: The Fool
Get excited, Pisces! The Fool signifies a new phase in your life. So many beginnings and clean slates await you. You just have to start taking some risks and making bold moves. This card’s message is essentially “risk looking like a fool.” Do it, even if you feel afraid or silly. Put yourself out there. Make yourself visible. Take an unpredictable approach. Say yes without overthinking it. Do some exploring. Walk a path no one has walked before. Don’t let opportunities pass you by. Let your excitement lead the way.