Anete Lusina

Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, April 14, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 5 of Cups

You’re not normally the type of person who dwells on regret. After all, you can’t go back and change anything, so why bother? Still, something’s bugging you today and the past keeps creeping up on you. If you can’t get it out of your mind, you might just have to face it head-on.


Your card: Ace of Pentacles

This is the perfect time to start thinking about new ways to improve your career and finances. Do you like what you’re doing now? Do you see space where you can grow at your current job? If not, it might be time to make a decision to leave. You don’t have to decide today, but you should at least start forming a game plan.


Your card: Page of Wands

Hopefully you have a lot of free time today, because this is the perfect day to do something fun and whimsical. Let your creative energy guide you on every thought and whim today, whether it’s finger-painting like a toddler or just running through a prairie of early spring wildflowers or dancing in the April rain.


Your card: Page of Pentacles

While you’re good at manifesting some aspects of your life, especially in the realms of personal connections like romance and friendship, you don’t usually focus your attention on money or your career. Today should be your exception for that. You’re especially powerful right now when it comes to manifesting your career dreams.


Your card: 2 of Pentacles

You might feel like you have to get so much done today. Sure, it’s the weekend, but you’ve put this pressure on yourself to do the things you didn’t get a chance at during the week. Cut yourself some slack, Leo. Carve out at least some of the day to just relax and do nothing. That way, you can start the week fresh.


Your card: Knight of Cups

If you’re having a hard time making a decision today, skip trying to follow your brain and instead spend more time listening to your heart. You know deep down what you need to do, even if it means that taking that final step might be difficult. It’ll be so worth it in the end, though.


Your card: 6 of Swords

It’s time to accept that change that you’ve been trying not to think about. Running from the problem doesn’t solve anything, though wouldn’t it be nice if it did? Use some of today to sit with your feelings, accept the negative viewpoint you might hold, and then finally let it go.


Your card: The Tower

Chaos is headed your way today, and there won’t be much you can do to stop it. All you can really control is your own reaction. Will you let this chaos make you feel unwieldy? Will your inner pessimist come out? Or will you accept that the universe has other plans and sometimes you just have to go with the flow?


Your card: Strength

It’s time to do the tough thing–the one that scares you but that you know you have to overcome. It could be talking to someone who intimidates you or asking for help when you have such a hard time showing vulnerability. It might be scary, but this is the perfect day to do something brave.


Your card: Judgement

Sometimes our hardest critics aren’t the people around us but our own inner voices. Today, you’re tipping over the precipice of self-sabotage. If you don’t quiet the mean part of your mind from talking down to yourself, you may end up stifling the goodness you have in your heart. Don’t let bad thoughts get you down.


Your card: King of Cups

Don’t let people take over your ideas. If you have a fun and creative plan, own it. This was your idea, and it should remain that way. Obviously, collaboration is great, but not if it brings toxicity with it. So voice your accomplishments, pat yourself on the back, and don’t give in to the soul-crushing idea of “modesty” if all it does is silence your voice.


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

This is a do-it-yourself kind of day. While you love to spend time with others, reconnect with yourself as a solo person today. Go to the movies by yourself, visit your favorite coffee shop, stay home and do the things you love. Get yourself something nice. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you and you’ll go far.