Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Sunday, May 26, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 6 of Pentacles

This is a good day to be generous. Give what you can to the people who need it. You could donate to a big charity that’s helping people in other parts of the world, or even just do something nice for the people in your life going through a rough time. Be the light in their dark day.


Your card: Page of Pentacles

If you want something to change in your life, all you have to do is take a step in the right direction. Today, you’re particularly powerful when it comes to money and your career. Spend time manifesting what you want and then go for the opportunities, large or small, that will get you there.


Your card: The Hanged One

Have you been particularly stubborn lately when it comes to admitting that you’re wrong? The cards are encouraging you to let go of your biases and try to see the situation from the other person’s perspective. Maybe you have more wiggle room and should be less rigid about your own side.


Your card: 8 of Wands

Stop hemming and hawing about a decision you have to make. The more you wait to make it, the more difficult it will be. Today, finalize what you’ve been feeling in your heart all along. Deep down, you know what the right thing course of action is. You just have to listen to your intuition.


Your card: 7 of Swords

While you love to achieve things and get the attention from those pursuits, make sure you aren’t stepping on anyone to get there. Today, you may see an opportunity to get further ahead by questionable means, but think about that before you take action. Do you really want to add bad karma to your repertoire?


Your card: Knight of Cups

While you could do all the research in the world, sometimes the answer isn’t on the Internet or in a book. Instead, your heart may be telling you something completely different. Although you may find it difficult, it’s better to follow your heart today than to worry too much about what’s “right.”


Your card: The Star

Uncertainty is the worst. Life would be so much better if you knew the answer to every question, right? But that’s just now how this works. Today, keep your hope and faith at high levels. Even if what you want doesn’t happen, things will all work out in the end.


Your card: Page of Cups

Don’t let your inquisitive, dreamy nature die today. While it’s good to be practical sometimes, you may be stifling yourself if you insist on being practical all the time. Today, do something silly–something you might otherwise feel embarrassed about. You’re never too old to have a little fun.


Your card: 8 of Cups

Today may be the day you have to finally walk away from a situation that’s no longer serving you. Whether it’s quitting a job or breaking up with a toxic friend, it’s not going to be easy. Still, it’s important to put yourself first and do the thing that’s best for you. That doesn’t make you selfish.


Your card: 10 of Wands

While you’re a hard worker and tend to enjoy getting a lot done, even you can take on too much sometimes. Right now, you’re inching ever closer to burnout. If you’re not careful, you could crumble. Today, use at least some of your Sunday to do absolutely nothing. It doesn’t make you lazy. Just call it “self care.”


Your card: King of Swords

Make sure that any decisions you make are coming from a clear place. Perhaps emotions are getting in and you don’t even realize it. If you do things without thinking, you may end up making the wrong decision or hurting someone’s feelings in the process.


Your card: Ace of Wands

While you have a lot of creative endeavors planned in your head, they won’t come to fruition on their own. It’ll take a bit of willpower on your end to make them a reality. Spend today doing all the creative pursuits you’ve been dreaming about. You’ll end the day feeling amazing if you do.