Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, August 22, 2024
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Your card: 4 of Swords
This is a great day to do nothing at all. Rather than saying yes to every invitation thrown your way, just take it easy at home. In truth, you aren’t doing “nothing.” You’re actually resting and recuperating after a long few weeks of constant action–and that’s super important.
Your card: Ace of Wands
There are all sorts of things you want to get done, but you’re having a hard time finding the motivation today. If you’re struggling with willpower, stop thinking about the future and just think of right now. Do the tasks that are fun and make you happy and you may just find your muse again.
Your card: The Sun
Stick with positivity today. While optimism directly affects your own mood and how you move through the day, it can also touch the people around you. Like the sun, your warm, happy mood will influence others to feel the same way. You can’t get much better than that!
Your card: Queen of Pentacles
If you can spare the change, this is a good day to donate to charity. There’s likely a local or worldwide cause that you care a lot about. Put some time or money toward helping out. Since you’re a naturally nurturing presence, this kind of thing is likely something you’re already interested in.
Your card: 5 of Pentacles
Worry could be plaguing you today, making you withdraw from the people around you. While being alone is often a revitalizing thing to do, make sure that you aren’t becoming anti-social in the process. Only be by yourself if it’s doing you some good.
Your card: Knight of Wands
This isn’t the day to sit around and do nothing. Take action instead. If there was something big and bold you’ve been wanting to do, go for it. Bust out all of your confidence and bravery to make your dreams come true, large or small.
Your card: 8 of Cups
There comes a point when you have to accept that you’ve done everything you could. Whether it’s a relationship that’s reaching its end, a job that won’t get you toward your dream career, or a life goal you no longer want to achieve, it’s okay to call it quits. This isn’t a failure–it’s growth.
Your card: Judgement
Have you been too hard on yourself lately? Perhaps you’re being particularly mean toward yourself today. Let that grip loosen. You’re human, just like everyone else. You’ll fail, you’ll make mistakes, and you’ll occasionally mess up royally. Getting on your case about it will only make it worse.
Your card: 3 of Pentacles
Don’t do everything by yourself today. While you could probably get things done on your own, it would be even better if you asked for help or finished the project as a team. Why struggle by yourself when you could make it so much easier by getting a little help?
Your card: The Devil
Check your motives before doing anything big today. Are you doing it because you want to, or because it could mean a bit of revenge? Would your actions make you happy, or would they hurt someone else? Is this actually the right thing t o do? You may find that your motivations are off.
Your card: 9 of Swords
The problem with worrying is that your anxieties may not be based on what’s really going on. Is everything as bad or important as you think, or could it be simpler than that? Today, try to quiet the parts of your mind that are causing you worry, although that’s often easier said than done.
Your card: Ace of Pentacles
If you were hoping to have something big happen with your career or a desirable side gig, today is the day to make it happen. You’re stronger and more powerful than ever right now when it comes to money, so work toward manifesting your dreams. All that’s standing in your way is your own motivation.