Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, August 8, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 10 of Swords

While not every ending has to be sad or upsetting, something in your life–or the absence of it–is definitely making you feel that way today. Maybe a friendship recently ended or you’re going through a rough breakup. Sometimes sitting with these feelings is the only way to heal.


Your card: 6 of Cups

Are you caught up in the past today? You’re either feeling some pleasant nostalgia for your younger years or you’re stuck on a past trauma that you have yet to let go. If it’s the latter, it’s better to accept that our past lives can never be lived again. Holding on to regret or sadness only pulls you down into the dark.


Your card: 4 of Wands

Just because it’s a random Thursday in a random week doesn’t mean you can’t have a few people over to celebrate nothing at all. Since when did you need a real reason to have a good time, anyway? So have your favorite people to your place and create some memories.


Your card: King of Cups

As a Cancer, you’re likely known for letting your emotions take over. It’s the hazards of being the cardinal water sign. Today, don’t let your feelings go out of control. Instead, try to balance how you feel in your heart with the logic your head holds true. That balance could save you a lot of trouble.


Your card: Temperance

Take it easy today. Moderation is the name of the game. If you have the urge to go wild, you might want to ignore that part of yourself. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, though. Like I said, it’s all about moderation.


Your card: The Empress

Get outside and into nature today. Whether it’s raining or hot and sunny, you can find beauty in the natural world around you. Go for a walk, hop in a lake, or frolic in a meadow of wildflowers. This could even be a good opportunity for an impromptu photoshoot.


Your card: 9 of Cups

Soak in all the good things that are happening to you today. Life is good, so don’t try to find reasons why you shouldn’t be happy. Instead, focus on what’s going right. You could even do a little something to celebrate, like getting tea from your favorite boba place.


Your card: Queen of Cups

Is someone in your life struggling with something major? Be the comforting presence they need right now. Odds are good all they really need is someone to listen to them without any judgement or advice. Your calm support will do a world of good today.


Your card: Knight of Cups

When you’re presented with a decision to make today, follow your heart instead of worrying too much about logic or what you “should” be doing. Deep down, you know exactly what to do, even if it might end up inconvenient for you or someone you know. Listen to your gut.


Your card: The Sun

Let your positivity shine today. You’re feeling more optimistic than ever, and while there could be things that darken your day, you’re better off focusing on better things instead. Best off all, your warmth will help others feel better, too, so don’t be afraid to shine this positivity everywhere you go.


Your card: The Devil

Double-check with yourself before making decisions today. Are you doing what is actually best, or are you listening to a part of yourself that has darker ulterior motives? If you listen to the devil on your shoulder, you may wind up regretting the decisions you make today.


Your card: 2 of Wands

Is there a decision that you’ve been avoiding making lately? It turns out that if you hope something will go away, it rarely does. Sorry to be the bearer of that bad news. Today is a great time to finally make your choice. It might lead to a bit of anxiety on your end, but you’ll get through it.