Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, January 2, 2025
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Your Card: Three of Pentacles
Try not to step on anybody’s toes today, Aries. You are a natural leader and are quite comfortable in positions where you are in charge. However, you tend to be a bit of a micro-manager. I understand that you just want things to be done the right way. You are also a very smart and autodidactic person but sometimes this confidence in your intelligence can come off as arrogance. Be open to other people’s ideas and perspectives because they might know something that you don’t. There are many ways to get things done and just because it’s not your way doesn’t mean it’s the wrong way.
Your Card: The Chariot
Keep the commitments that you’ve made, Taurus. Maybe you said yes to plans or made some sort of promise to someone and now you’re wondering if you have the time or energy to follow through on that promise. I’m sure you have many things that you have to take care of in your own life but it wouldn’t be fair to back out. In the future, say no if you’re not a hundred percent sure you can follow through on plans with someone else and they will understand. But to back out now while other people are counting on you would be both unfair and unwise. You have your sites set on the rest of the year and are committed to making the best choices that service your future, however, this isn’t an excuse to let others down.
Your Card: Three of Wands
Stop looking to others for the answer, Gemini. You need to ask yourself what is best for you and take that advice. It seems that you are asking multiple people the same question looking for a specific response only to find that everyone has a different outlook on what is best for you to do right now. You might also be asking the same people the same question over and over again thinking that maybe if they heard you for the umpteenth time they’d change their answer. You will not find the truth that you seek this way. You know the answer to your question, you just don’t like the answer. Because though you know what you need to do, it might not be what you want to do.
Your Card: Temperance
You might be feeling as if you’re procrastinating as of right now. New Year’s was yesterday and now it’s a new day and then guess what’s going to happen next… that’s right tomorrow. My point is, don’t let the rapid speed at which life and society move make you feel pressured to sprint alongside it. Right now it’s okay if you want to take things slow for the moment. The days will continue passing no matter what but sitting here dreading the passage of time isn’t going to help. Embrace stillness and peace and let yourself relax. Let yourself feel at peace. You can’t control time, but you do have some control over how you choose to react to the inevitable.
Your Card: Ten of Pentacles
Everything you do now will shape who you become tomorrow, Leo. We as humans tend to think that our present-day actions have little to do with our future but this sort of thinking causes us to take for granted the opportunities we have now to invest towards tomorrow. Everything you do is in service to your future self. It requires discipline to think long term but doing the work now will save you so much time and energy later in life. Consider how grateful your future self will be to the current day for investing in yourself. Now consider how regretful the future you will be over prioritizing short-term rewards over long-term gains. This may be a recurring theme for you throughout the year and it may take some time to get it right but it’s time to start adjusting your mindset in this way.
Your Card: King of Swords
Today is about following through with the plans that you’ve made, Virgo. And to be quite honest with you, you have a bright future ahead if you stick to what you’re doing and follow through. Through whatever decisive action you make today, you may experience a win of some sort. And though this win may seem small or insignificant to others, it will be something big for you. Keep this momentum up in the days ahead because the small wins will eventually escalate into bigger wins. Then you will notice progress that grows exponentially in your favor. Just make sure you stick to this plan and show up for yourself every single day. You will notice a pattern of winning which will shift your mindset for the better thus resulting and far better results than you initially set out for.
Your Card: Two of Pentacles
You get what you give, Libra. Whatever you give today, is exactly what you’ll get back so be conscious of this if you’re not exactly loving the results of your day. If you want to see more positive things happen in your life, then you need to realize that you are the catalyst of that positivity. If you feel as if you’re being undervalued or are receiving less than you think you deserve, then the fact of the matter is that you’re simply not giving as much as you think you are. No one is out to get you, no one is trying to sabotage you, and no one is preventing you from receiving the fruits of your labor. All of this is within your control.
Your Card: Five of Wands
Though you might be thinking that your personal problems are having zero effect on the people around you, you’re wrong, Scorpio. Be mindful of the energy that you are projecting because whether you realize it or not, it has a huge effect on the people who care about you. You might be making your problems their problems and unconsciously self-sabotaging certain relationships as a result.
Your Card: Judgement
You might be allowing the disrespect you are receiving today, Sagittarius. Don’t let others take your kindness as a sign of weakness. And don’t let your empathy shoot you in the foot. While your ability to deeply empathize with others and truly feel what they are feeling, your constant forgiveness of other people’s actions may only embolden them to continue hurting you. The Judgement card might be signaling that it is time to stop trying to understand and empathize with why they are acting the way that they are and start paying attention to the emotional effect that their actions have on you.
Your Card: Death
You might be in the wrong concerning a specific situation, Capricorn. Though you never intentionally set out to hurt anybody, the fact of the matter is that your actions may have resulted in consequences that are negatively impacting others. You feel as if you’ve changed a lot throughout 2024 and that you’re not the same person that you were a year ago. If this is true then today you might find yourself tested to prove this. If you are in the wrong about something, then don’t try and defend your actions or find a way to justify to yourself that you’re not in the wrong, own up to it and grow from it. It’s never fun having to admit that you were wrong or hear from other people areas of your character that they don’t love. But it is a necessity. It is better to hear the truth than to continue living in ignorance. This issue can easily be overcome and it’ll soon be in the rearview mirror, but this is all dependent upon how swiftly you go about fixing this. Put your ego aside and think about what matters. There are more important things in life than being right.
Your Card: The Empress
It takes time to heal, Aquarius. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not completely over or if the wounds inflicted upon you haven’t healed yet. Nurture your scars til they fade because eventually you hardly remember the pain you once felt. Take it one day at a time. You won’t have to carry this pain forever so you have that to look forward to. Just remind yourself that you can and will heal eventually and one day this pain will be a distant memory that you hardly ever think about.
Your Card: Four of Cups
The Four of Cups suggests that you are operating from a sort of scarcity mindset, Pisces. What this means is that you might be kidding yourself into thinking that this is as good as things are going to get for you. Though you may feel limited in what you have or what you may receive, it’s your mindset that is perpetuating this stagnation. You not only deserve better but you are fully capable of receiving better if you remind yourself that you do deserve more than this. There isn’t a limited amount of happiness that exists in the world. It’s not like happiness comes from a finite source and once it’s used up, that’s it. Don’t settle just because it’s comfortable.