Guilherme Stecanella

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, March 14, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: Knight of Wands

Do something big today. It might mean that you have to be a little fearless just to make it happen, but you’re the cardinal fire sign. If anyone has the unending confidence and spontaneity to do something that scares them, it’s you. Who knows how your day might end up if you do.


Your card: 10 of Cups

No matter what happens today, you’re going to be in a rare good mood. It’s not that happiness is rare for you, but your bullish Taurus nature means that even minor inconveniences can flip you into negativity. Not today, though. Something has you smiling and it’s best to embrace this vibe as long as you can.


Your card: Temperance

It might be hard, but you’ve got to be patient today. While you could certainly get your way by pestering people, that won’t really work right now. Sometimes you just have to accept that good things take time. It’s annoying, but being serene about it will make it easier.


Your card: 2 of Pentacles

It can be easy to get overwhelmed when you feel like you have so much to do. Avoid freezing from the weight of your to-do list by picking just one task for today. It doesn’t even have to be a chore. It could be an easy thing that you like to do, like a mud mask or picking your outfit for tomorrow. One task will help all others fall into place.


Your card: 8 of Pentacles

Work can be annoying and tiring sometimes, and you’re really feeling that today. It’s like you’re doing all this work and it’ll ultimately amount to nothing. If you’re getting exasperating by your job, spend some time appreciating the other parts of your life. Make those amazing and it makes the work problems a little easier.


Your card: The Magician

What do you want to happen today? Whatever you want, you can make it a reality–within reason, of course. This card is a clue that you’re powerful when it comes to manifestation today. Make sure you’re spending your energy on positive manifestation rather than worrying your anxieties into existence.


Your card: King of Wands

Follow your creativity today, whether it’s viewing other people’s art or making your own. Don’t let this day fall victim to becoming like every other day that came before it. Go to an art museum, paint something, crochet a granny square, watch a movie and rate all the actors. Make the day special because you’ve decided to.


Your card: 10 of Pentacles

There’s a contentment that comes from finally reaching a goal, especially when it comes to money and other concrete affairs. Today, celebrate the fact that you’re comfortable and stable. Buy something nice. Lounge around the house like the royalty you are. Celebrate your comfort.


Your card: The World

Plan a trip for the weekend. Yes, the weekend is only a day away, but you’ve planned spontaneous vacations before. Go to one of the cool places nearby that you’ve had your eye on. Invite your partner or best friend–you could even go it solo. Then take pictures of your adventure and post them on Insta so you never forget.


Your card: 9 of Wands

There may be a moment today when you need to stand up for yourself, whether from strangers, family, or people at work. It can be tiring to always be fighting to be heard or understood, but that’s sometimes the price you have to pay to get where you need to go.


Your card: 6 of Cups

You’re feeling nostalgic for your younger years today. Maybe a song or food from your past has got you thinking about how things used to be. Looking back at days gone by can help you figure out what might be missing in your life now. Just make sure you aren’t seeing things rosier than they actually were.


Your card: The Tower

You’re on the precipice of a major revelation that could change your view on life. Will you embrace these new ideas or struggle against the prospect that your life isn’t how you thought it was going to be? It’s all about perspective and the choice you make on how to respond.