Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, September 12, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: King of Pentacles

Take on a leadership role today. That could mean stepping up at work to get things done or to ask for a promotion. In your personal life, it could mean taking the lead for planning that outing everyone talks about but never makes happen. Whatever it is, bring your bold Aries energy.


Your card: Ace of Cups

You’re feeling particularly lovey-dovey today, which bodes well if you’re already in a relationship. If you’re single, this is a good time to go on an app date or to ask out your crush. This card signals the beginning of a relationship and it would be a shame if you let that opportunity pass you by.


Your card: Queen of Wands

You’re likely going to be in a very good mood today. Even if things happen that would normally make you anxious, you’ll be calm and courageous when going through it. You might as well do something you’ve been meaning to do so you can take advantage of this positive energy.


Your card: King of Swords

Remember that your feelings aren’t facts. While you have a rich emotional life, even you can be manipulated by your own worry or insecurities. Today, search for the truth of the matter rather than dying by your assumptions. The more you take control, the better off you’ll be.


Your card: The Devil

Be careful, because the devil on your shoulder may be trying to coax you into doing something you’ll end up regretting. Before you act, make sure that your motives are coming from a good place. Don’t let your shadow self make the decisions for you.


Your card: King of Wands

Don’t go solo today. While you might have a minor urge to be by yourself, that would be a waste of the social energy you’ve got in spades today. Talk to people, say hi, start a conversation. And if there’s something you’ve been wanting, this is the perfect day to ask for it.


Your card: 8 of Wands

Things may not go as you plan today, and you’ll have to make the decision whether you’ll go with the flow or struggle against it. Sometimes things just happen whether you want them to or not, and all you can really control is your reaction. If you have a good attitude, that will help a lot.


Your card: 5 of Swords

You’re feeling feisty today, right? When you’re this fired-up, you might want to avoid people who you have a contentious relationship with. You’ll be more likely than ever to pick a fight. Only get into an argument if you’re completely sure you want to have it.


Your card: 4 of Swords

Take it easy today. While you might have the urge to go on an adventure instead, that’s the wrong move. Listen to your body and your mind and rest today instead of working yourself even harder.


Your card: Wheel of Fortune

You may be especially lucky today, but only if you have good karma. If you’ve been treating people well lately, you might see some good things coming your way. On the other hand, if your karma has been in the gutter, you could finally see the consequences.


Your card: 3 of Wands

Focus on your future today. Rather than being stuck in the past or only dealing with what needs to get done today, explore what you can do to make your life better beyond right now.


Your card: The World

Love travel? Or maybe you like the idea of it but never set aside time or money to do that. Today, start planting the seed of an idea for an upcoming trip. It could be a simple road trip to a cool spot nearby or a full-blown vacation. Whichever you choose, you deserve the break.