Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, September 26, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 7 of Wands

Outside forces–or maybe even your subconscious–will try to get you to change your mind or give up today. Don’t listen to them. Keep to your convictions and keep doing what you already planned. Luckily you’re a feisty Aries who is naturally defiant anyway.


Your card: 9 of Swords

Did you wake up feeling “off” today? Maybe you had some weird dreams and now you’re reminded of past traumas. Slogging through the day will be difficult if you’re carrying around this dark cloud. Then again, sometimes it just can’t be helped. Hopefully tomorrow is better.


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

As you work through the day, whether at your job or with a project at home, don’t forget about your end goal. If you think about why you’re doing all this work, and what you could get out of it in the end, that should be able to motivate you through any thoughts of giving up.


Your card: 3 of Wands

It would be a shame to waste today’s energy by doing nothing at all. Instead, get out of the house and start making moves to the life path you’ve been steering toward. Feel that motivation? Don’t let it float away just because you’re afraid of failure.


Your card: Queen of Swords

If you want to have boundaries, you have to be clear about them to both yourself and the people you’re creating them for. Talking about boundaries is only one difficult step–you also have to enforce them. It can be hard, but it’s important. Just be as clear as you can.


Your card: The Emperor

You’re extra powerful today, but only if you take a leadership role in your own life. Things aren’t just going to fall into your lap–you have to make them happen. So figure out what you can do today to get you closer to your goals, and then do what needs to be done. You’ve got this!


Your card: Strength

Today is the perfect time to do something courageous. What have you been wanting to do but have held off because you were scared? Don’t let imposter syndrome or the fear of failure keep you from realizing your dreams. Today, do the thing that scares you.


Your card: 6 of Cups

There’s nothing wrong with a bit of fun nostalgia. After all, could a million ’90s kids really be wrong? However, if you’re instead looking at the past and feeling trauma or regret or sadness, you may want to leave it behind. Today, determine if your nostalgia is hurting you or serving you.


Your card: 4 of Wands

Have someone over to your place today. It could be a date or your best friend or a family member you’ve been hoping to reconnect with. It doesn’t have to be anything formal. Sometimes just spending time in each other’s presence is enough to revitalize the relationship.


Your card: The Hierophant

Are your traditions serving you still? Or are you just going along with the routine because it’s easier? Today, reevaluate how you feel about the events and traditions you keep going. If they’re not making you happy, it may be time to create some new ones.


Your card: The Chariot

Good things will be coming your way this week as long as you do something to spur that good luck in the right direction. Rather than hoping that your luck just provides for you, it’ll take a little work on your part. But if you steer your chariot down the right path, it’ll all work out.


Your card: Knight of Pentacles

It may be hard to get work done today, but this isn’t the time to start procrastinating. If you institute a routine, you’ll have a much easier time getting through the day. Just do the hard work that you need to get done and you can go to bed tonight knowing that you tried your best.