Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Your card: 6 of Pentacles
Do something generous and charitable today. If you’ve been doing well financially, you could share the wealth with a local cause or a global initiative. There are people all around the world who could use the help. Or even just making food for someone in your life who doesn’t have the time could go a long way.
Your card: The Hermit
If you’ve been looking for permission from the universe to sink ever deeper into your stereotypical Taurus homebody vibes, this is it. Today, just be at home doing all the things you love. No need to go out of your comfort zone. You can do that another time.
Your card: 10 of Wands
There’s a very high possibility that you’ve been doing far too much lately. Perhaps that feeling of stress has been creeping up and you’ve been trying to ignore it. Don’t let it get any worse. Today, take it easy or you may wind up crashing and burning.
Your card: Temperance
Moderation is the key to making it through today unscathed. While this could mean moderation in the classic sense of drugs and alcohol, it could also mean moderation in other ways. Maybe you shouldn’t spend all that money or waste your night binge-watching an entire season of a show, for example.
Your card: 9 of Pentacles
It’s time to treat yourself. Get something that you’ve been wanting for a while–as long as you can afford it, of course. It could be something as simple as a movie ticket or as fancy as a new car. This is the culmination of all of your hard work. Congrats!
Your card: 2 of Wands
This is a good day to get out of the house, even if you don’t have a plan for what you want to do. Sometimes just stepping out of your routine is enough to refresh how you’re feeling. And, considering most of us are in the heart of winter right now, there’s a very good chance you need to shake things up.
Your card: 10 of Swords
Things aren’t going the way you planned. Life sometimes just has a different idea for you, and sometimes that idea can make you feel defeated or lost. Today, let yourself feel all of these negative, conflicted emotions. Then tomorrow you can start bouncing back.
Your card: Strength
Today may take a little bravery. Perhaps there’s been something you’ve wanted for a while but haven’t yet taken the leap. Now’s the time. Doing the scary thing, despite the fear, is the quickest way to actually getting the life you want. Don’t hold yourself back anymore.
Your card: Justice
When given a choice today, make the decision based on what’s kind and fair. While you could probably tip the scales in your favor, you know deep down that it’s a bad idea. Why risk a dip in your karma when you could do the right thing instead?
Your card: 4 of Swords
Take it easy today. You already get so much done that you probably haven’t taken a break in a while. It’s time to stop, listen to your body, and do what you need to feel energized again. And if that means just sitting around your home doing literally nothing at all, then so be it.
Your card: Page of Pentacles
If you were hoping to start a new job or create a new business venture for yourself, this is the perfect day to start making it happen. Your powers for manifestation–especially when it comes to money and your career–are at an all-time high right now according to this card. Don’t let this energy go to waste.
Your card: The Lovers
This card indicates unparalleled harmony, especially when it comes to your interactions with others. While it could signal a harmony for romantic relationships, it can also mean platonic friendships or even a connection at work. Embrace the harmony.