Los Muertos Crew

Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: The Emperor

The Emperor beckons you to examine the boundaries, structure, and order in your life. Is your self-discipline conducive to your growth and success, or is it boxing you in? Are there ways you could be practicing more discipline when it comes to achieving your goals? Do you need to define your goals? What areas or relationships in your life require you to set boundaries? How can you enforce those boundaries? Where in your life do you have to work hard to exert control and why? Do you need to let go a little bit?


Your Card: Knight of Wands, reversed

Whatever situation you may come across today, don’t react impulsivelyβ€”it might lead to negative consequences that will later make you regret your words or actions. The circumstances you’re encountering today are going to cause you extreme frustration, and possibly anger. Your patience will be tested. Take a moment to count to ten and breathe in and out. Remind yourself that responding strategically is in your best interest. Don’t make any hasty decisions today. Sit on it for a few days.Β 


Your Card: Six of Pentacles, reversed

Stay alert today, Gemini. Beware of the intentions of others. The reversal of the Six of Pentacles warns of an imbalance in power dynamics, ulterior motives, and a lack of reciprocity. The energy here is self-interest and manipulation. Pay close attention to the give and take in your close relationships. Have you been overextending yourself to others without receiving the same kind of support? Are there strings attached to the generosity of someone in your life? Is someone in your life being kind or controlling? Does their help come with holding it over your head?Β 


Your Card: Page of Wands

Today is going to be a spectacular day for you, Cancer! You’re vibrating with enthusiasm and a renewed sense of excitement. You’re looking at things from a new perspective. It’s got you feeling ready to take on everything and anything. Hold on to this feeling. Embrace that inner fire. Let yourself be led by your inspiration. Take action today. Indulge your creativity and curiosity. Say yes to everything. Embrace a little bit of adventure. Follow your desires.Β 


Your Card: Seven of Swords, reversed

Be extremely honest with yourself today, Leo. Is there anything weighing on your conscience? The reversal of the Seven of Swords shows up when there is accountability to be had. If there are any mistakes on your part that you need to own up to, do it today, especially if it involves someone close to you. Hearing the truth from you will hurt less than finding out any other way. It may feel daunting, but once you come clean, a weight will be lifted off your chest.Β 


Your Card: The Magician

The Magician shows up when you need encouragement and motivation. This card is a reminder that you hold all the power to manifest your dreams and desires. Whatever obstacle you’re facing, opportunity that’s coming your way, or journey you’re embarking on, you’ve got this, Virgo. Have faith in your abilities. You’ll be okay as long as you have clear intentions and take bold action towards your goals. So, stop it with the negative self-talk and imposter syndrome. Let go of your fears and hesitation, and just for it.


Your Card: Two of Wands, reversed

The reversal of the Two of Wands is a wake-up call when you’ve become too comfortable in life and with yourself. Look around you, Libra. Are you fulfilled and happy with where you find yourself now? Do you feel stagnant? Do you ever stop and think that there has to be more than this? Spend some time today setting or redefining your long-term goals. Brainstorm a game plan. Think about the steps you’re going to have to take and the changes you’re going to have to make to achieve your desires. If you’re feeling lost and uncertain, let your passion drive you. What inspires you? What do you find meaningful?Β Β 


Your Card: Two of Cups, reversed

The reversal of the Two of Cups shows that there are issues that you need to address in a close relationship in your lifeβ€”lover, friend, relative. This card indicates disharmony and an emotional disconnect. If you want to restore that balance, you’ve got to lay it all out on the table and have the conversations you’ve been avoiding. Be open and honest. Express your feelings fully and clearly, and remain open to hearing and understanding theirs. Repairs what isn’t working. Cut ties if it can’t be repaired. Just stop sweeping things under the rug.Β 


Your Card: Four of Pentacles, reversed

The Four of Pentacles calls on you to examine your relationship to money and material possessions. Are you focusing too much on financial success and neglecting your personal growth? Are you not focused enough on saving and spending extravagantly? Are you attaching too much worth on how much you have and what you own and forgetting what truly matters? This card shows up for a reason, Sag, so be honest when it comes to examining your priorities.Β 


Your Card: Four of Cups

Stop thinking that the universe is working against you, Capricorn. Instead of viewing the obstacles you’re facing as closed doors, reframe them as an opportunity to make certain shifts and readjustments. There’s a solution to everything in this world. Right now you can’t find it because you’re too busy being negative and feeling discouraged. Take a step back today to look at the bigger picture. What are you missing? How are you closing yourself off? Could you be taking a different approach?


Your Card: The Empress

The Empress makes an appearance to remind you not to lose sight of what’s most important in your lifeβ€”the relationships in your life. Spend some time today with loved ones. If you can’t do something nice to remind them of how appreciative you are to have them in your lifeβ€”send a sweet text, send them flowers, give them a quick phone call to tell them you love them. Moving forward, don’t take their presence for granted. Carve out more time to nurture those bonds.Β 


Your Card: Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups arrives to snap you back into reality, Pisces. There’s an idea brewing inside your head, but you’re too busy being lost in the fantasy to actually take any action. If you want this dream or desire to come true, then you’re going to have to take real practical steps to get it. Get up and start working towards it. Spend some time today brainstorming what steps you have to take and coming up with a game plan. Your ideas are extraordinary and they deserve your dedication in breathing life into them. Go after the thing!