Pexels / Mikhail Nilov

Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Your card: The Hierophant

Today is a day to observe the traditions that have come before you. Why test the waters when the tried and true way will work just fine? This may be out of your comfort zone, Aries. You are a natural trailblazer. And having such strong willpower often comes with a rebellious streak. You’re capable of whatever you set your mind to. Be humble enough to look to the experts or the experienced for defined steps.


Your card:  Four of Wands

Today is full of celebration. Life is full of opportunities for joy. Whether it’s as small as getting a new present in the mail or as major as securing one-in-a-lifetime opportunities, welcome it all. Optimism surrounds you. Goals are met. Your company is equally as happy. Savor in this moment for all of its glory. Allow this momentary high to motivate you further towards long-term achievements.


Your card: Five of Cups

You may not know how to feel today, Gemini. On one hand, you are deeply disappointed. Hurt feelings bubble up in your chest. You feel you have lost someone or something near and dear to you. However, on the other hand, you know that this isn’t the end of your story. Although the pain is real, so is a new life after you properly grieve and reflect. Allow yourself to feel however you feel. It’ll be easier to let it all out now rather than it to resurface unexpectedly later on.


Your card: King of Pentacles

Today, someone experienced, mature, or resourced wants to help you. Whether you receive practical advice, monetary gain, or find a strong example of how you want to live in another, be grateful. Admire those who have what you have. Stewing in envy or stubbornness will only deter you. Further, this Tuesday shows you who you are becoming in your long-term future. Do you like who you see? Or do you need to course correct?


Your card: Ace of Pentacles

New beginnings of practical gain are finding you today, Leo. These opportunities will not be short-term and fleeting, rather long-lasting and secure. Great things don’t happen overnight. On this Tuesday, you plant the seed. Be patient that it will take time for growth to show on the external side of things. You have done the inner work to arrive at a new intention. Tunnel vision is all you hope to achieve. It’s yours if you work for it.


Your card: The Emperor

Confidence finds you today. You have the audacity to go after what you want, Virgo. Welcome this assertiveness into your persona. Self- discipline, mastery, and motivation are key. If you can give yourself some tough love today, your future self will thank you. You deserve to feel capable and strong. The only person who can get in your way on this Tuesday is yourself.


Your card: Temperance

There is good in the bad, bad in the good. Reframe your mindset. If you’re getting lost in la-la land, only seeing the positives, you may end up blind sided or jaded. However, diving deep into despair, black-and-white thinking, or negative bias will only leave you limited. Find the sweet spot in between. There’s always a silver lining. Further, there’s always an opportunity to create  harmonious growth for yourself. Protect your peace.


Your card: Page of Swords

Your discernment is sharp. A person in your life, or whom crosses your path, is full of youthful energy. Their hopeful attitude inspires you today. You remember who you were before your current circumstances and life challenges, and this brings you hope. As you think outside the box, limitations fade. Rejuvenation heals negative thinking. Learn new skills. Take the course. Speak your mind. Educate yourself. Feed your mind motivation.


Your card: The World

Completion finds you today. You find peace in the fact that things are finally going your way. Release finds you. The bigger picture has revealed itself, with all the little details fallen into place. You have lots of achievements, milestones, or strong suits to celebrate. Don’t get lost in the next best thing, comparison, or reaching for more. Just be. Look around. You are where you have prayed or hoped to be. Savor it. 


Your card: Queen of Cups

Today, extend care and accept the warmth of others. Whether it’s in strangers, beloved friends, sweet lovers, or close family, give and take love through all avenues. The Queen of Cups visits you this Tuesday. Someone takes you under their wing. Nurturance, comfort, and emotional validation envelop you through their encouragement. Relationships are your priority today. Let the practical details of life find resolution later.


Your card: Nine of Cups

Your wishes are fulfilled when the Nine of Cups visits. On this Tuesday, happiness is your first name. Your heart has been longing for a particular hope and resolution. Your sights have been set high. Your emotional needs have been relying on this turning point. Sigh your biggest sigh of relief. The puzzle pieces come together. What you want is yours.


Your card: Strength

Strength is here. Today, it’s time to tame the inner lion within with compassion and care. If you feel big emotions arise, comfort the frustrated part of yourself within. As you gain emotional intelligence and control, everything shifts. On this Tuesday, people will respect how you carry yourself. More importantly though, you are recognizing just how capable you are. Believing in yourself opens closed doors.