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Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Your Card: Death, reversed

Two things you can never escape in life: death and change. What shifts are you being so resistant to? You can’t delay the inevitable. The more you try to hold on to something that doesn’t fit into your life anymore, the more the window of opportunity closes for the wonderful things that are. When this card appears in reverse, it urges you to examine your unhealthy attachments to the past, relationships and situations that no longer align with you, old behavioral patterns that need to be broken, and beliefs that confine. Your job today is to ask yourself what parts of yourself you need to kill in order to step into a more empowered version of who you are. 


Your Card: Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords wants you to find clarity. What aren’t you being completely honest with yourself about? Maybe you need to face the reality about a certain situation, dynamic, friendship, or relationship. Perhaps your dreams are changing and it’s time to start taking a different path. Or, do you feel like someone close to you is lying about something? Be direct and ask for honesty and transparency.


Your Card: King of Wands, reversed

Check yourself while interacting with others today, Gemini. There’s a great divide between confidence and arrogance. Are you acting like someone who’s proud of themselves, or are you acting like someone with an immense ego? A little self-awareness and humility can go a long way on this Tuesday. Practice patience. Try not to be too stubborn. Things don’t always have to be done your way. Be open to the ideas of others. 


Your Card: The Moon, reversed

It might bring you discomfort, but you need to dive deep and identify in what ways you’ve been neglecting your deeper instincts. Reconnect with your inner world, and trust your intuition when it comes to exposing the truth. What red flags have you been ignoring? Who or what does your gut instinct tell you that there’s something off about? What piece of the puzzle are you missing?


Your Card: The High Priestess

The High Priestess makes an appearance to remind you of the beauty and power that comes with allowing yourself to be still. Take this as a sign to carve out time today to be present in the moment. Slow down, and have some quiet reflection, Leo. Go within to find the answers you seek. There might be a choice that you’re currently confronted with, or a situation that has you feeling lost and afraid. It’s going to be okay, so long as you follow your intuition. Make it your priority this week to tune into your inner world, it will show you the way.


Your Card: Six of Pentacles

Rack yourself up some karma today. The Six of Pentacles asks you to lend others your kindness, time, efforts, and help. Someone might be more in need of your support than they’re willing to admit. Ask those around you how they’re doing—how they’re really doing. Offer your advice. Be their cheerleader. Make them feel like they’re not alone. It’s also important for you to remind the people you love the most how much they mean to you and what a huge difference they make in your life. 


Your Card: Page of Pentacles, reversed

Are you feeling disconnected from your passions lately, Libra? Have you lost your inspiration? Have you been finding it difficult to chase after your creative pursuits? Try to get your spark back this week. Do whatever you have to do. Take walks around your neighborhood. Spend some time outside. Watch the sunset. Watch movies. Read. Go to the museum. Admire the art created by others. Listen to song that moves you. Identify the current distractions in your life that are keeping you from dedicating yourself to that one thing you love the most. 


Your Card: Eight of Swords

Free yourself, Scorpio. From all those self-limiting beliefs and thoughts that confine you. Your mind holds so much more manifesting power than you know. Your perception can become your reality. So, be careful with how you think about yourself and the one precious life you have. Spend some time journaling today. Write about all your amazing qualities and all the reasons you have to believe in yourself. List everything that you’re grateful for. Brainstorm a plan to get you out of this place you’ve been stuck in. 


Your Card: Ten of Cups, reversed

Whatever problems you’re having with someone close to you, it’s time to work through them. Address the issues between you head-on. Let go of this tension. The more you avoid having a conversation, the more negative feelings can fester. Be vulnerable. Be open. Be transparent. Express how you feel. If this person is meant to be in your life, they’re going to understand where you’re coming from. Remember that it’s important that you remain understanding of their point of view, too. 


Your Card: Three of Swords

What’s piercing your heart, Capricorn? The Three of Swords indicates that the pain of a loss or heartbreak is still present in your life. You might feel overwhelmed by it, or it might be something you work so hard to suppress. You need to let it go. The first step is letting yourself feel it. Then you process it. You tend to the wound every day until it has closed over and healed. Trust that it won’t always feel this heavy. 


Your Card: Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands is a sign that you need to slow down and catch up some serious self-care. This shouldn’t only be your priority tonight, but try to make it your focus this week or weekend. Nap. Relax. Journal. Meditate. Take a hot batch. Pour a glass of wine. Watch a good movie. The key here is just allowing yourself to unwind and recharge. Try to implement more practices in your routine that will help nourish your inner well-being. 


Your Card: The Chariot

Be bold and put yourself out there today, Pisces. Don’t let your self-doubt, fears, and anxieties keep you from going after what you want. Whether it’s pitching an idea at work, doing research on relocating, or starting the first steps in opening a business, The Chariot urges you to get yourself in gear. Everything your heart desires can be yours. You have the power to manifest each and every one of your dreams, but that can’t happen if you’re too busy twiddling your thumbs. This card is all about taking risks—in the matters of the heart, too. So if there’s someone you’ve had on your mind, shoot your shot.