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Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: Queen of Pentacles

Try to keep your head out of the clouds today. While dreaminess can certainly get you far, right now you need to draw on your practical side instead. If you want to get closer and closer to achieving your goals, look for concrete ways to get there. This is your time to work hard if you want to succeed.


Your card: Temperance

Balance and harmony have to start from within. Today, you might be feeling a little erratic. Maybe you got bad news or you have further proof that life isn’t going as planned. Skip the drama and instead try to take it easy tonight. While you might want to vent and stomp and yell, temper those feelings instead.


Your card: 8 of Cups

You know something isn’t right. You can feel it. In fact, you’ve been feeling this way for a while and maybe have been hoping the situation would resolve itself. Unfortunately, life rarely works out that way. Today, finally take care of the problem, even if that means walking away for good.


Your card: 5 of Wands

If you’re looking for a fight, you’ll find it easily today. While you’re normally pretty low-key, you’ll be extra fiery, and that could mean an uptick in arguments and disagreements. Remember that you need to pick your battles. Don’t just fight for the sake of it or you could end up ruining relationships.


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

You know intellectually that the harder you work, the more success you’ll have, but boy, does that sound boring. Still, today is the perfect opportunity to do what you need to get where you need to go. Have a big life goal? Do something today that will get you at least one small step closer.


Your card: The World

Go somewhere fun today. While you could just go to work and come home and do the same thing you do every day, you’ll miss out on creating cool memories. Check out a museum you’ve been eyeing, go to dinner by yourself, discover a new local bookstore. You deserve an interesting day.


Your card: Knight of Swords

There’ll be an opportunity today to get something you’ve wanted or achieve a goal you’ve been working toward. Unfortunately, if you blink, you might miss it. Keep your eye out for the little moments and jump into action as soon as you see an opening. This is your time to think fast.


Your card: King of Swords

Don’t let your emotions get to you today. Something will happen that you might normally rage about, but do your best to keep calm. The more mental clarity you have, the better you’ll be able to handle what’s coming for you. It’s easier said than done, of course, but it’ll be worth the stress.


Your card: Judgement

Sometimes you wonder if you’re making the right decisions. You often judge yourself too harshly, which does no one any good. Today, skip some of that self-criticism by focusing on your inner calling. What are you meant to do? What would make you the happiest in life. Figuring that out is half the battle.


Your card: 5 of Pentacles

You might feel compelled to isolate yourself from people today. If you’re working, you’ll be shying away from coworkers or customers. You might try to get out of hanging out with friends or seeing your partner. This is the time to go against these instincts. Sometimes it’s just better to be around people.


Your card: King of Wands

Sometimes you keep your special interests to yourself because you assume no one cares. That’s just not the case. Today, you’ll come across someone who is genuinely interested in the cool project you’re working on or the knowledge you have about your favorite subject. Don’t hold back this time.


Your card: The Devil

While you may have been so good lately about eating right or exercising or making “good” decisions, it’ll be harder than ever to keep that up today. Part of you just wants to give in to temptation. Maybe that would be a good idea–within reason, of course. You can’t be good all the time.