Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, January 8, 2025
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Your Card: Five of Pentacles, reversed
The Five of Pentacles is a lucky card to draw in reverse. If you’ve been experiencing any kind of difficulties, this is a sign that positive change is coming. You’re going to recover from the loss, heartache, disappointment, confusion, or insecurity that has been afflicting your life. But you can’t do that without two things: hope and willpower. A renewed sense of optimism will help you find yourself on more stable ground again. You must also put in the work to rebuild what was broken.
Your Card: Ten of Wands, reversed
The Ten of Wands in reverse wants you to break free from unnecessary burdens. This is especially true with the mark of a new year. Take note of what and who in your life you keep at the expense of your own well-being and peace. Let it go, whether it’s a relationship that doesn’t show you reciprocity, a toxic attachment, or taking on other people’s problems. If you feel like you’re stretched too thin, then reprioritize, delegate, and put off what you can for later. Remember, it’s okay to say no to others.
Your Card: Nine of Pentacles
Take the Nine of Pentacles as permission to treat yourself. You worked extremely hard in 2024, and while the holidays may have been a nice break, you haven’t truly savored your successes. Whether it’s on this lovely Wednesday or you wait until the weekend, do something to reward yourself before diving back into work. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Make a purchase you’ve been denying yourself. Plan a trip for later this year. Go out for a nice meal and fun night out. 2025 has just begun, but you deserve it.
Your Card: Eight of Wands, reversed
Today is going to come with some frustrations, obstacles, and delays. You’re not feeling happy with the way things are progressing. If the pieces aren’t falling together the way you want them to, then maybe it means that you need to take a step back and reassess your approach. Don’t make any big decisions or bold moves right now. This isn’t a time for taking risks. Press pause and try to look at the situation from all possible angles before moving forward. The answer will come to you. Just be patient.
Your Card: The World
The World is a powerful card to draw as a new year begins. This card represents endings, a completion of cycles, achievements, and fulfillment. It marks the start of a new beginning where anything and everything is possible. What do you want for yourself in 2025, Leo? There is no wish too big or too small. You can make anything happen. Before you look ahead, however, it’s important that you celebrate what has come and gone. Whether you landed the job you wanted, got over a breakup, paid off any debt, or reached a personal goal, honor that accomplishment, so that you may welcome new blessings and opportunities.
Your Card: Ten of Pentacles, reversed
The Ten of Pentacles makes its appearance in reverse whenever you need to reflect on the path you currently find yourself on. Does it align with your values, desires, and vision of the long-term future? Is it what you truly want? Did someone choose this path for you? Is it one you felt like you had to settle for? You need to start thinking with the end in mind. Yes, this means stability and security, but it also means happiness. Are you working towards something that gives you an authentic sense of fulfillment?
Your Card: Knight of Wands
Have you been contemplating something but holding yourself back out of fear? The Knight of Wands urges you to stop hesitating and second-guessing yourself. This card is a cosmic sign to go for it, Libra. Stop coming up with excuses or thinking about the worst that could happen. Be courageous and forge ahead with confidence. Whether it’s pursuing a creative endeavor, starting a side gig, asking out your crush, applying for a new job, or signing up for a class, do it. This card is begging you to take a risk.
Your Card: Nine of Cups
If you can envision it, then it can be yours. Dreams do come true, Scorpio. The Nine of Cups invites you to make a wish for the new year. Carve out some quiet time alone today and get crystal clear on your intentions. Write them out on paper. Make a vision board. Visualize these things as if they’re already yours. Whether it’s more money in the bank, a job, new love, self-improvement, or a professional or personal goal, you can have your heart’s desire. All you need to make it happen is confidence and dedication.
Your Card: The Magician
Is there something you’ve been thinking about doing, but keep talking yourself out of? The Magician shows up to give you the push you need. This is a powerful card of manifestation. You’ve got this, Sag! All you need to tap into your full potential is willpower. The only thing that can stand in your way is doubt. This card is a sign that the time is now. Don’t let all the power you’re holding go to waste. Put in the work and make some magic happen.
Your Card: Four of Swords
You worked extremely hard last year, Capricorn. The holidays have come and gone, but did you get the rest you needed over your vacation, or was your calendar full of parties and familial obligations? The Four of Swords indicates you’re still in need of some much needed relaxation and rejuvenation. Carve out some time for those things this week. Put your phone on DND, place it in a drawer, and disconnect. Enjoy some quiet downtime alone. It’s important that you prioritize self-care before diving into what’s in store in 2025.
Your Card: Page of Pentacles, reversed
When the Page of Pentacles shows up in reverse, it indicates a lack of focus or that you’re losing sight of what’s important. What’s going on with you, Aquarius? If you’re struggling with motivation, a loss of inspiration, or becoming concentrated on your goals, refresh your mind before moving forward. Stop trying to force things. Take it easy the rest of the week. Try to pinpoint the root of your struggle over the weekend. It could just be a little recharging that you need.
Your Card: Nine of Wands
You might come across some difficulties and obstacles today. It’s important that you don’t let this unexpected wrench discourage you from pushing forward. You will achieve success, so long as you remain determined in the face of adversity. Nothing great ever came easily, Pisces. Trust in the process and trust that the Universe is conspiring in your favor. This might just be the most difficult part. If you can get through this, you can make it through anything else that stands in your way. You’ve got the strength it takes to make it to the finish line.