Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: The Magician

This is the best day this week to manifest great things for yourself. You’re full of power today and you should use that to get ever closer to the things you want for your life. Manifestation is one part thought and one part action. You might as well spend time on both strategies.


Your card: 2 of Pentacles

There are all sorts of things you want or need to do today, and the sheer length of that list may end up making you freeze. Don’t get intimidated. Just do what you can and leave the rest for another day. Getting on your own case about not being super productive isn’t going to help anything.


Your card: 2 of Cups

Have you had a crush on someone lately? If you’re getting the vibe that they might like you back, you could be on to something. This card is all about mutual attraction. If you’re in a relationship, this could also mean that you both like each other equally, which is always better than an unbalanced partnership.


Your card: Page of Cups

Don’t let anyone tell you to get your head out of the clouds today. There’s nothing wrong with being a dreamer. Some of the best parts of life happen when you let yourself hope for fun and better things. Today, rather than forcing yourself to be logical, live in that vibrant dream world.


Your card: 6 of Cups

This is a good day to be silly. Don’t let the idea of getting older prevent you from doing the things you loved as a kid. Aging is a construct. Instead of thinking about what you “should” be doing today, do something fun instead. You’ll feel so much better if you do.


Your card: The Lovers

Work in harmony with someone you care about today. It could be a literal lover like the card suggests, but it could also be a best friend or cherished family member. If you’re currently single, this could also be a good day to say yes to a date. Get out there and find love.


Your card: Ace of Swords

Get ready for a major breakthrough today. It could be a problem at work that’s been bugging you for a while, or even a personal breakthrough for an emotional conflict you’ve been dealing with. Keep your eyes open for the “aha moment” and don’t let it pass by.


Your card: Knight of Cups

When you’re stuck on a problem today, you might do better going the emotional route than trying to solve it with only logic. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart to reach the right conclusion of an issue. Deep down, your gut instinct and intuition know exactly what’s right.


Your card: Ace of Wands

It can be hard to get work done when you find it boring or tedious. Alas, we all have to toil through it sometimes–even an adventurous Sagittarius like you. If you’re having trouble with your willpower today, think of all the things you can do once you tick this annoyance off your to-do list.


Your card: 8 of Swords

You’re normally very good at taking responsibility when you need to, but something is making you feel like you have no power over a situation. Quit doing yourself that disservice. While you might feel like a victim today, you have more control over what’s happening than you’re giving yourself credit for.


Your card: Queen of Cups

When someone comes to you for help today, be the calm and comforting presence they need. You might first have an urge to solve their problems for them or give them unsolicited advice, but that’s the wrong move. All they need is for you to listen with compassion and commiseration.


Your card: The Hanged One

It might be time to let go of your tried-and-true opinions. Like everyone else in the world, you have your biases. When you’re clinging to them so tightly, you may miss the opportunity to connect with others. Today, try to look at an issue from someone else’s perspective.