Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, July 31, 2024
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Your Card: King of Swords
Sometimes it’s okay to judge a book by its cover. You don’t need to fully get to know someone to understand who they are. You can keep a person at arm’s length without completely cutting them off from your life. At times you can be a bit discerning which is rather intimidating to certain people, however, you’re not usually wrong, Aries. With the King of Swords present, the message is clear, stick with the facts. Yes, we’re all human at the end of the day, but then again we all need that one person in the friend group who is just gonna say it exactly how it is. Today your role is to say the things that everyone else is thinking.
Your Card: The Empress
You’re due for a transformation today, Taurus. Perhaps a wardrobe change, fresh haircut, or new way of thinking and being. Regardless, it’s time to spring clean your energy and let go of these metaphorical cobwebs that dull your shine. The Empress is a symbol of beauty and feminine principles. Regardless if you’re a man or a woman, harnessing this feminine energy is a necessity for all of us. Life is about balance. If you’re feeling groggy and rough around the edges, simply improving your appearance or redecorating your apartment will do wonders. Declutter your life and you’ll feel brand new.
Your Card: Two of Wands
There are parts of yourself that you are reanalyzing, Gemini. Aspects of your being that you thought you understood and had figured out, but after a recent situation, you are left wondering if you’ve truly grown in the areas you once thought you did. Understand that growth doesn’t equate to perfection, growth can sometimes look like taking two steps forward and one step back. Regardless, don’t beat yourself up. Don’t let these setbacks deter you from the path that you’ve embarked on. Don’t kid yourself into thinking you’ll be able to completely repress these traits of yourself. The key to growth is to understand our shadow side and learn to work with it, not against it.
Your Card: Eight of Swords
You might be feeling as if you’re backed into a corner today, Cancer. Your options seem limited and from your point of view, your hands are seemingly tied. The Eight of Swords however suggest otherwise. There are far more possibilities than you realize. Don’t feel pressured to make a decision or choose a path just yet. Right now you might be overanalyzing things which makes you feel like you have no other choice, which again is not the case.
Your Card: Death
You’re in the midst of a necessary transformation, Leo. There are parts of yourself that for so long you refused to let go of. Convinced that your old way of being was all that there was for you. You felt burdened with the idea that a person can never let go of who they truly are deep down inside but you might finally be realizing that this isn’t true. Change is possible but it isn’t easy. You have come to a point where you realize that the goals you wish to accomplish just aren’t possible unless you let go of something. You’re reaching for the future while clinging to the past. There is no forward momentum like this. This transformation is going to require some sacrifices but if you truly wish to move forward, you’ll have to let go of the old you and your old ways of being.
Your Card: The Chariot
What exactly are you heading for, Virgo? Where is all this energy you’re exerting leading you towards? You seem to be a bit aimless these days. Putting your efforts here, putting your efforts there, splitting your time and energy between different people and varying causes. Yes, you’ve been busy, but are you working harder than you need to? You might be spreading yourself a bit too thin and as a result, lack a clear sense of direction. You’re a hard worker and a supportive person to have around, however, being a hard worker doesn’t necessarily get you ahead in life if you’re not smart about it. Take some time to center yourself and reassess what your priorities are so that you can start to move forward and not side to side.
Your Card: Ace of Wands
Today you might be feeling as if you’re finally waking up from some sort of strange sleepwalking limbo. The Ace of Wands represents newfound passion, burning desire, and action. This energy won’t last forever so find a way to make the most of it. And don’t burn yourself out, Libra. Sometimes you kid yourself into thinking that this energy is finite but that isn’t true. There is a way to harness it instead of burning yourself out to the point where you can’t be bothered to do anything for months. Figure out a way to break this cycle of being overly productive and then overly exhausted.
Your Card: Ten of Pentacles
If you’re wondering whether or not the sacrifices you are making now and all the investments you are going to pay off in the future, the Ten of Pentacles is a clear sign that they will. Sometimes it’s scary to think that all of our hard work may be in vain, but if we are truly passionate about the things that we are doing and creating, it will never go in vain. Even if the projects we start end up in failure, it wasn’t a waste because we learned something from it. You’re not a loser Scorpio, and you’re not a failure. Don’t compare yourself to others, focus completely on what you need to do today.
Your Card: Ace of Cups
You might have been wondering whether or not that lust for life you used to feel all the time still exists for you, Sagittarius. The thing is, not every chapter of our lives is going to be some grand experience, but that doesn’t mean that your adventures are over. The thing is, not every journey we take exists in the physical world. You might find yourself on the cusp of a deeply emotional journey that only you will fully understand as you walk down this path. Others may relate and offer their two cents, but at the end of the day, this will be something you will have to figure out for yourself. You might find a renewal of your energy and the excitement you feel for life. You’ll realize that life never lost its color, you just stopped seeing it.
Your Card: Queen of Wands
You are rather popular today, Capricorn. Not that you necessarily need attention to function, you’re certainly not opposed to receiving it. Today you are effortlessly attractive and charismatic. You are exuding an energy that is uniquely yours. People can’t seem to keep their eyes off of you, wondering what your next move might be. You’re unapologetically you and taking no shit and this is the exact kind of energy that makes you so magnetic. Enjoy the accolades and the popularity of Capricorn. You’ve spent much of this year completely absorbed in your work and goals, now you can let loose and have some fun. As a result might find yourself entering a new environment with fresh, like-minded characters.
Your Card: Eight of Pentacles
You’re not going to be great at everything that you try right off the bat, Aquarius. You’re one of the more multi-fasciated signs of the zodiac but don’t get cocky now. You’re expecting instant gratification today but this is unrealistic. You’re going to have to accept that sometimes things require more sustained energy and long-term commitment. If you are willing to dedicate yourself, then what you seek is possible. Just know that this isn’t one of those things where you can find the easy way out. Your greatest strength is your ability to work smarter, not harder. Creatively concocting ways to skip a couple of steps and still get the job done. But this time around, you’re going to have to play by the rules.
Your Card: Six of Cups
Today is about healing the past, Pisces. Wounds that you never thought would heal are finally starting to scab over. This may be regarding someone you used to be very close to. Maybe an old friend, an ex, or an estranged family member. Regardless, you can relive old happy memories and remember the joy that this person once brought you. As a result, it’s easier to remind yourself what it was about them that made you love them in the first place. People aren’t perfect, and neither are you. Perhaps there is a way to make things right again.