Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: The Sun

When you’re feeling optimistic, you can’t help but spread that love and joy to everyone around you–you’re like the sun. Today, warm up the mood by being your authentic, happy self. You’ll probably improve the moods of everyone you come across without even trying.


Your card: Page of Swords

If you’re curious about something today, don’t let that thought float away without inspecting it. Instead, see if you can get some answers. That could mean having a tough conversation with someone that you would otherwise prefer to avoid. Sometimes you just have to do the uncomfortable thing.


Your card: Ace of Swords

You may have been stuck on something lately, whether it’s a concrete problem at work or just a mode of thinking that’s getting you nowhere. Today, you may just have the breakthrough you need to get to the other side. Just make sure that you’re open to finding it or you might let this breakthrough slip by.


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

If you want to reach your goals, you have to do the work to make them happen. While you might want to just lounge around today, that’s not the move. Instead, work hard and stop procrastinating on the things you know you need to get done. If you stay the course, you’ll make some real progress.


Your card: 2 of Wands

This is the perfect day to get out of the house. Don’t listen to the part of your brain that wants a quiet night in. Instead, do the fun things that you may have been missing lately. Hang out with friends, go out to the bar, see a movie–whatever gives you energy and a bit of happiness.


Your card: 9 of Wands

While you may be known as one of the hardest workers in the zodiac, even you get tired of the grind. Today, you’re feeling particularly “over it.” You have a choice: Do you keep working hard and grit your teeth through the trouble, or do you take a break and potentially lose momentum? There’s no wrong answer.


Your card: Strength

Part of strength is trusting in yourself that you can handle anything that comes your way. Today, rather than seeking the opinions of others to guide you, trust that you have the strength to know what’s right and to make the correct decision. Don’t let yourself get lost.


Your card: 8 of Cups

Something isn’t working in your life and, if you look deep down, you know exactly what it is. But knowing something isn’t right and having the bravery to walk away are two different things. Get yourself one step closer today to making the decision to end things. You’ll feel so much lighter when you do.


Your card: Knight of Pentacles

If you want to be productive today, you have to accept the routine. It might not seem very fun, creative, or adventurous, but sometimes you have to do the mind-numbing work to achieve your big dreams. Today, work on your routine to keep heading in the right direction.


Your card: 6 of Pentacles

This is the perfect day to be generous–especially when it comes to concrete things like money, food, or clothing. Whatever you can do to make the world a little brighter today, whether it’s your local environment or something happening far from home, will do a lot of good.


Your card: 5 of Cups

Sometimes grief and loss just creep up on you. You could be having a normal day and then something otherwise innocuous reminds you of a person or a moment in your life and suddenly you’re drawn downward. That could be what’s darkening your mood today.


Your card: The Hierophant

While you love creating new traditions with friends and family, make sure that your routine actually serves you. Are you having a good time, or are you just going through the same motions over and over without any thought? Something might happen today to lead you to that answer.