The Act Of Kindness Each Zodiac Sign Secretly Craves
A little thoughtfulness goes a long way, and doing an act of kindness can light up your day. Whether it’s for a friend, a co-worker, or a family member, certain zodiacs have preferred acts of kindness they’d love to receive. Some are completely free and can be done right away, while others take a bit of planning or money to execute. Here’s the good deed each star sign craves from a loved one so you can treat them to something special.
Aries: Work Out Together
Aries people are very active and energetic, and although they don’t mind working out alone, it makes them happy when someone offers to do a physical activity with them. Plan a hike, make a gym date, or find a fun dance class to attend with your Aries friend. They’ll love that you picked an outing you know they’ll enjoy, and having company during a sweat session lifts their spirits.
Taurus: Feed Them
Whether you’re with them at a drive-through or out to a fancy dinner, the kindness the Taurus in your life really wants is free food. Insisting on paying for their meal shows you want to take care of them. For bonus points, you could make them a sweet treat from scratch, or have takeout from their favorite restaurant delivered to their home.
Gemini: Send Funny Texts
Geminis are masters of communication, and they appreciate thoughtful, consistent contact. A good morning/good night text goes a long way with this talkative star sign. They also love to laugh, so sending a joke or hilarious meme that made you think of them is another good way to show that you care.
Cancer: Frame A Photograph
Cancers are super nostalgic, and their homes are usually full of photo albums, travel souvenirs, and other sentimental knick-knacks. These days, most people don’t make the effort to print physical copies of photos; they just stay on the phone or computer. Printing and framing a special picture for the Cancer in your life makes them feel special and understood, and it gives them a keepsake they’ll cherish forever.
Leo: Throw A Surprise Party
Leos love being the center of attention, so they appreciate any chance to have the spotlight on them. Compliments and words of affirmation go a long way with this zodiac, but throwing a party in their honor is even more special. Making it a surprise will delight their joyful inner child. Even a small gathering of a few family members at a restaurant or having a handful of friends over for game night will make the Leo in your life extremely happy, as long as the party is about celebrating them.
Virgo: Clean For Them
The typical Virgo is very neat and organized, and they’re used to being the ones tidying up. It makes them feel seen and appreciated when someone cleans for them for a change. Surprise them with a sparkling home when they get back from work one day, or arrange for a cleaning service to come to their house. Even smaller acts of kindness like doing the dishes or cleaning out the refrigerator means a lot to them.
Libra: Give Them Flowers
Libras are sweet and romantic, so traditional gestures like giving a bouquet of flowers or box of chocolates delights them. If they’re not into flowers, you could always bring them a house plant or other small gift. It doesn’t matter if your relationship is platonic – they just like knowing that you thought of them and gave something they can look at and think of you.
Scorpio: Memorize Their Order
Scorpios are so thoughtful and observant, but they don’t always get the same attention in return. When you grab coffee or lunch with a Scorpio, pay attention to what they order. The next time you see them, bring their favorite latte or lunch to show that you noticed what they like and were considerate enough to remember it later.
Sagittarius: Fill Their Gas Tank
Sagittarians are always on the go and planning their next adventure. Filling their car up with gas is an act of service that saves them time, effort, and money, and it helps keep them on the road. Whether they’re going on a road trip or just their daily errands, they’ll appreciate having a full tank.
Capricorn: Gift Cards
Capricorns are quite particular and they usually don’t like being surprised. They are also very practical and financially responsible. Getting them a small gift card to their preferred coffee shop or convenience store is a sweet way to show them kindness. That way, they can choose something they really like or need, and it proves that you know them well enough to pick the right place for them.
Aquarius: Donate To Their Favorite Cause
Aquarians are all about building a better world for tomorrow, and they have their favorite charitable causes. Whether it’s an animal shelter, a food bank, or another non-profit organization, making a donation on behalf of the Aquarius in your life is the kindest thing you can do for them. It shows you know how much they care about others and will help them make the world a better place.
Pisces: Choose A Crystal For Them
Pisceans love all things spiritual or metaphysical, and many of them treasure things like crystals and tarot cards. Select a small crystal that makes you think of your Pisces loved one and present it to them the next time you see them. This sweet, sensitive sign will probably cry over the kindness of your thoughtful gift.