Agency / Midjourney

The Cosmic Shifts That Will Transform Each Zodiac During March’s Eclipse Season

Eclipse season is finally upon us, making March one of the most transformative months in 2025. Eclipses act like cosmic exclamation points. There is an emphasis… something big and bold about the way we navigate them. Lunar eclipses offer us an opportunity to release and balance, while solar eclipses give us a chance to enhance and expand. 

March serves us up both, with a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 13th and a partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th. Every zodiac sign will feel the impact. Check below to see what cosmic shifts are coming for your sign this month! 


Are you ready to ditch the one-size-fits-all wellness fads and actually create a routine that supports you? This Eclipse season goes down like a wellness shot and can feel a bit like you’re dethawing from the long winter. Stretch out, meditate, journal, take a long walk – whatever feels really good for you at the moment. Don’t focus on what everyone else is doing for their version of wellness. Just consider what you need right now to feel confident in your own skin. Aries are designed to strut their stuff so take advantage of this Eclipse season, which superchargers you with the ability to cultivate the right resources and routines to balance your mind, body, and spirit.


This Eclipse season asks you to get out of your comfort zone, Taurus. The Eclipses illuminate who you want to be in community with. Your creativity and connection are at an all time high this month. If you’ve been looking to expand your network or add a few new friends into the mix, join a community class and see who you meet. Bonus points if you do something that aligns with your craft. You never know who you may meet – perhaps there’s a new beau or bestie waiting at your favorite bookshop or a kindred spirit at your local sewing circle. In any case, this month you’re guaranteed to meet some interesting people while pursuing your passions. 


Gemini, whatever you’re putting out in the world right now is blessed with the midas touch. Are you looking for a promotion or to start off on a new vocational endeavor? The Universe is giving you permission to go forward fearlessly. Part of your gift, Gemini, is to be able to fantasize about all the wonderful possibilities that lie ahead. Good! Get excited. Just don’t forget to consider your work life balance when making big decisions! 


Cancer, this eclipse season is just begging you to hit “publish”. The Eclipses are lighting up your houses of communication, academia, philosophy, and publishing. If you’ve been considering a new educational pursuit or have been holed up in chateau cancer writing the next great American novel – then now is the time to act. With the eclipses also sailing through your zones of travel, who knows where these big ideas may take you? Shake off any self doubt and put your work out there – the world needs it! 


It’s time to take a look at your finances and resources this Eclipse season, Leo. As the zodiacs King (or Queen) or the jungle, there’s a Gatsby level flair that you bring to life. This month though, you’re going to be examining how to create luxury that lasts. It may feel like a sacrifice in the moment but long term it will lead you to so much more happiness. Stability is the name of the game for you right now, and creating a little nest egg will feel good in the future. Consider what your long term financial goals are and start to make a plan. In the interim, say yes to the little luxuries on a day-to-day basis. The extra guac isn’t  going to make or break your bank and will help you feel like the bold Leo lion that you are!


Who do you want to take with you to the top, Virgo? This Eclipse season, partnerships of all kinds are front and center. If romance has been on your mind, now is a great time to cast a line and see what kind of fish are swimming about. If you’re already in a partnership, don’t be surprised if things go deeper. There is a whirlwind of energy this month around fantasy for you and you may find that the fairytale starts to leap off the page and seep into your life. Not into the romantic notions? Not all partnerships need to be romantic so just see who enters your life that feels like a good collaborator!


This Eclipse season is bringing a sense of rejuvenation. You love balance, Libra, but the start of the year has probably left you feeling off kilter. If so, the Eclipse season offers you an opportunity to hit the reset button. When you think of rejuvenation what comes to mind? Everything from a digital detox to a spa day will aid in your deep dive into self care this month. Let the Eclipse energy aid in helping you restore your equilibrium. 


This Eclipse season proves to be dreamy and divine for you, Scorpio. Pay attention to vivid dreams, as they may be preminatory or offer sage council on a creative project. Your third eye is wide open and the messages are flowing through. When it comes to being a water sign, intuition is just part of the package. There’s something about this Eclipse season, though, that elevates your intuitive prowess. The small still voice within knows what’s up, Scorpio, so listen to it! 


Home is where the heart is, Sag, or at least that will be your mantra this Eclipse season. Normally, your sign is one of great adventures and far off destinations. This month, however, you may find yourself yearning for a staycation or exploring closer to home. You may even decide to move ahead with some upgrades, expansions, or renovations to your home space. Remember your home is an extension of you and if there’s something in it that feels mismatched from your current vibe, then start to make adjustments and plans so you can feel calm and grounded in your space! 


Speak your truth, Capricorn. Your sign works hard at remaining level headed and pragmatic, but some messages just need to be shared with passion! What visionary ideas have you been harboring … perhaps out of fear of rejection or failure! If you never ask, the answer will always be “no”. You can be passionate AND pragmatic – the two don’t have to work in opposition. In fact, when you merge the two this Eclipse season, you’ll find that your message lands with its intended audience! Take a chance! 


Have you been trying to figure out how to monetize your mission? This Eclipse season opens a door of opportunity to allow you to mix purpose with business! Aquarius, your job in the zodiac is to lead in humanitarianism. So what is it that moves you when you look out at the world? From big missions like climate activism to localized missions like starting a food bank in your neighborhood, this month provides ample support to help your make a living out of your path of service.


This month you will have major transformations around your full authentic self. It’s as if a fog lifts, and suddenly you have a major AHA! moment about how you want to show up in the world. If you’ve been feeling a little lethargic at the start of 2025, this Eclipse season offers you a major energy boost. Once you have clarity on what your authentic gifts are, you can effortlessly create a plan of action to bring them out into the world. Go show them what you’re made of Pisces. As the resident dreamer of the zodiac, we need your gifts to make the world a heaven on Earth!