The Lana Del Rey Lyrics That Speak To Your Zodiac’s Love Language
Song: Peppers
“Hands on your knees, I’m Angelina Jolie. Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair. Do a fat crisscross in the back somewhere.”
Who says you can’t twerk to a Lana Del Rey song? I don’t know what it is about this song, but that first verse SCREAMS Aries.“Hands on your knees, I’m Angelina Jolie.” What does this verse mean? To paraphrase Tommy Genesis, “Think dirty… I’m channeling this divine energy/power—I’m Angelina Jolie.” This makes total sense as to why when I heard this song I knew it belonged to you, Aries.
You’re a rather masculine sign as represented by your designated Tarot card, The Emperor. What I mean by this is that whether you are a man or woman, you can channel divine energy and wield it in your form in the ways that strengthen you, leaving a strong impression on anyone who crosses paths with you. As the first sign of the Zodiac, you represent the leadership, authority, and strength of character.
“I take off all my clothes, dance naked for the neighbors I’m like, fuck it gonna give a show, I open up the blinds” In other words, you don’t give a fuck about anyone or anything except yourself and the shit that matters to you. You take life seriously when it counts. You are who you are and you don’t feel the need to hide.
Song: Religion
“Cause you’re my religion, you’re how I’m living. When all my friends say I should take some space, well I can’t envision that for a minute when I’m down on my knees, you’re how I pray Hallelujah I need your love.”
Taurus, as represented by your assigned tarot card, The Hierophant, the song “Religion” was the obvious choice. Spirituality is written into your story—this feeling of knowing. Regardless of what you may practice or believe in, there will always be a part of you that has one foot on the ground and your head in the clouds. Unlike the other Earth signs, you’re a bit more philosophically esoteric. Contemplating what it all means and why it means what it does. This applies to how you love. These lyrics here speak to that aspect of your love language. When you’re in love, Taurus, that person becomes your religion. You tend to feel a certain level of responsibility over that person and it is up to you to help them find salvation in our waking reality. Just like Lana sings, sometimes others don’t understand or appreciate the intensity and rawness of your passion. It is rare and when you’re with the right person, you both amplify this melody together.
Song: Venice Bitch
“Oh God, miss you on my lips. It’s me, your little Venice bitch.”
Tell me you’re a Gemini without telling me you’re a Gemini. You’re a bitch. But the endearing kinda bitch, if you will. You’re a sign who embraces both the good and bad parts of yourself. “You’re beautiful and I’m insane.” Your passion runs much deeper than most think. As the sign of twins, there is an enigmatic volatility to your nature that excites the people around you yet at the same time scares you. I think the line “Paint me happy in blue” best exemplifies that aspect of you.
You exist in both black and white. Happy in blue and passion in pink. Yet as I said, you’re almost proud of this. You know you can be a lot sometimes but this is because you feel everything all at once. Not everyone can relate to the emotional burden you carry.
Song: Mariner’s Apartment Complex
“You lose your way, just take my hand. You’re lost at sea, then I’ll command your boat to me again. Don’t look too far, right where you are, that’s where I am. I’m your man.”
Cancer, your sign is a living personification of “home away from home.” With The Chariot as your assigned Tarot card, you represent the pursuit of knowledge, experiences, and connections, only to return home with a full heart when it is time. What others may not see is that, though you are incredibly empathetic and patient, as Lana sang, “They mistook my kindness for weakness”. However, their misinterpretation of you and your energy only serves as fuel for you. You forgive, but never forget. You don’t take transgressions personally because you understand that your purpose is to guide others towards your light. The line “Cause even in the dark, I feel your resistance. You can see my heart burning in the distance” is a symbol of that.
For me, this song reminds me of someone I love back home and this idea of always finding your way back to them no matter how stormy the seas may be.
Song: Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
“Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Boulevard? Mosaic ceilings, painted tiles on the wall. I can’t help but feel somewhat like my body marred my soul. Handmade beauty sealed up by two man-made walls. And I’m like, when’s it gonna be my turn?”
As the sign of strength, power, and magnetism, what you fear most Leo is the idea of being forgotten. It’s not death that scares you, it’s the idea of your memory fading from conscious thought. The idea that your influence and legacy will be forgotten in the sea of time. In this song, Lana sings about Jerkin’s tunnel, in Long Beach, California. This tunnel was once an iconic staple of SoCal lore. A magnetic attraction that gave the city meaning. A beautiful work of architecture that lived and breathed as we do but since its closure, the tunnel has been forgotten. How could something that impacted so many people be forgotten? That’s a question you often ask yourself. You and the people around you are living and breathing and influencing the world around you with each choice made. You have a strong effect on the people. They are caught in your orbit and yours in theirs. Every problem feels so real and every victory is sweet yet fleeting. And as Lana sings, you sing with her “Don’t forget me, like the tunnel under Ocean Boulevard.”
Song: Norman Fucking Rockwell
“Goddamn, man child. You fucked me so good that I almost said I love you.”
Quite literally, the most iconic lyrical line in Lana Del Rey’s entire discography. I thought of you when I heard this song. This is funny considering your sign is considered “the virgin”. But a virgin in the sense that you’re not saving yourself for marriage, you’re saving yourself for yourself. You have high standards for yourself and others around you but at times, you become emotionally reserved. Unsure of what to say or what to express. So instead of saying “I love you” you’d much rather opt for “You fucked me so good that I almost said I love you.” For you Virgo, these may as well be synonymous with each other. You take matters of your heart seriously. Not quick to fall in love but when you do, you fall hard.
“You’re poetry’s bad and you blame the news, but I can’t change that and I can’t change your mood.” You’re one of my favorite signs, Virgo. I think as a Capricorn, I just get you. We are fellow Earth signs after all. We both value what is grounded and what is realistic, but I think for you, this idea of what’s “realistic” somehow still falls short of your own expectations. If the world is a mess, you’re the poet with no prose. A singer with no song. A dancer without rhythm. But just as the song goes, you eventually crawl your way out of that cave of yours and give love a chance even if it’s not rational. Contemplating whether or not life gets better than this, but “why wait for the best” if it even exists.
Song: Let Me Love You Like a Woman
“Let me love you like a woman, let me hold you like a baby. Let me shine like a diamond, let me be who I’m meant to be.”
Libra, you’re the sign of justice, order, fertility, and beauty. I think why this song fits you is because you lead with love. You choose compassion and fairness and beauty and aesthetics. Order does not just exist in your waking reality, but also makes up the contents of your heart. Whether or not you’re a woman, there is something beautiful about the way that feminine energy conquers. Through love and gentleness, you nurture those around you, and when amid conflict, you tend to be the most rational person in the room.
I think the line that speaks to your sign most is, “Talk to me in poems and songs, Don’t make me bittersweet”. You’re not a bitter person. Never have been and never will be. You arrange your life the way a poet arranges the stanzas of an epic love story. The life you live is filled with poetic symbolism and meaning. You offer others a comforting almost maternal presence that naturally calms others around you down. How could anything go wrong when you’re in the room? This is the assurance you make others feel. We call our mothers for guidance and sometimes just hear them say “Everything will be okay.” Even if things aren’t at all okay, the peace you provide others with is strong enough to carry anyone through any tribulation.
Song: Born to Die
”Come and take a walk on the wild side. Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain. You like your girls insane, so choose your last words, this is the last time. ‘Cause you and I, we were born to die.”
“Born to Die” should be considered Scorpio’s anthem. This acceptance of death and how love can feel as peaceful as dreaming and as damning as the darkness before dawn. Your sign is assigned to the Death Tarot card, but you don’t fear death, at least not in the same way that others do. You find it to be poetic. To you, death and whatever happens next is fascinating because of how uncertain it is. You don’t view the end as negative because, for you, it gives love and life its meaning and you a purpose to continue pursuing intimacy no matter the cost. Because what costs more than a broken heart, is the moments you missed.
“Keep making me laugh, let’s go get high. The road is long, we carry on, and try to have fun in the meantime.” This isright here. We don’t know what lies on the road ahead and it is for this reason you to keep going.
Song: Cinnamon Girl
“Cinnamon in my teeth, from your kiss, you’re touching me. All the pills that you did, violet, blue, green, red to keep me at arm’s length don’t work. You try to push me out but I just find my way back in. Violet, blue, green, red to keep me out, I win.”
This line perfectly encapsulates your spirit Sagittarius, for better or for worse. As represented by your assigned Tarot card, Temperance, you’re the sign of Alchemy. The blending of elements to create an entirely new one. I think this song in a sense represents this same idea. The blending of cinnamon upon her teet with the bitterness of pills. The blending of passion and hate. Pain and pleasure. The creation of a love that may or may not be sustainable.
“There’s things I wanna say to you, but I’ll just let you live. Like if you hold me without hurting me, you’ll be the first who ever did.” What is so powerful about you, is your ability to take pain and turn it into something beautiful. You are an artist and a poet at heart though at times the masochist becomes your muse. Your energy pierces the sky and touches the heavens. You seek adventure no matter the cost and this is one of your best traits, yet also one of your greatest weaknesses. But regardless of whether or not you find treasures or trash, you still romanticize it all. Even something as innocuous as cinnamon upon your teeth feels like the beginning of meaning.
Song: A&W
“I haven’t done a cartwheel since I was nine. I haven’t seen my mother in a long, long time. I mean, look at me, look at the length of my hair, my face, the shape of my body. Do you really think I give a damn what I do after years of just hearing them talking?”
No sign better epitomizes the contested title of “modern woman” more than Capricorns. I say this as a fellow Cap myself and speaking from personal experience, every Capricorn eventually reaches a point in their love life where we full-heartedly give up and proudly, though begrudgingly, accept the title of “modern woman”. Or more eloquently sung by Lana Del Rey, the “American Whore”. I interpret the “American Whore” concept as a woman who transcends what is expected or required. A woman whose toughness was built by years and years of bullshit. Eventually, the American Whore realizes “damned if I do, and damned if I don’t”. It doesn’t matter how put together you are, how nice your clothes are. It doesn’t matter if you’re pretty or charismatic. It’s irrelevant whether you’re prudish or promiscuous. It doesn’t matter how many boxes you check or how good of a partner you are. Everybody always has something to say and it’s all the same bullshit in the end anyway.
So what does the American Whore do? At times, she accepts love and life for what it is and embraces the circumstances for what they are. Because for the love of Christ, what’s worse than feeling lonely, is the emotional roller coaster that comes from a relationship dynamic that drains you of that drive ambition and lust for life that all Capricorns embody. The new Capricorn anthem should be “It’s not about having someone to love me anymore. No, this is the experience of being an American Whore.”
“Your mom called, I told her you’re fucking up big time. But I don’t care, baby, I already lost my mind.” Hold on to your head, Cap. You’re allowed to care as much as you want to care.
Song: Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it
“There’s a new revolution, a loud evolution that I saw. Born of confusion and quiet collusion of which mostly I’ve known. A modern-day woman with a weak constitution, ‘cause I’ve got monsters still under my bed that I could never fight off.”
As the sign of The Star, hope is embedded in you, Aquarius. You are the light at the end of the tunnel in human form. Though you are the sign of altruism, what others don’t see is that your kindness is merely a reflection of the pain you have endured. “Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have” is the perfect song for you because it is a vulnerable and somber melody that exemplifies the idea that no matter the pain and suffering that life brings, there is always hope. No matter how dangerous that hope might be, or how disappointing a seemingly promising situation might be, hope is still alive.
“I’ve been tearing around in my fucking nightgown, 24/7 Sylvia Plath, Writing in blood on the walls, ‘Cause the ink in my pen don’t work in my notepad. Don’t ask if I’m happy, you know that I’m not, But, at best, I can say I’m not sad, ‘Cause hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have.”
Song: Chemtrails Over The Country Club
“I’m on the run with you, sweet love. There’s nothing wrong contemplating God, under the chemtrails over the country club.”
You’re not one to dream of grandeur or social status. You are the least pretentious sign in my opinion, and I love you for that. What you dream of is the richness of life that lies beyond the surface. You seek what you can feel but cannot touch. “Chemtrails Over the Country Club” is a song that has many meanings, but why it relates to you I think is because this song talks about what lies beneath the surface of something as innocuous as a country club. Pisces, you are represented by the fish which symbolizes your emotional maturity. No matter what age you are, you are still light years ahead of others around you. You seek depth in intimacy. You don’t swim through shallow waters, Pisces. You explore the depth of the sea and the human psyche. This song represents this aspect of your inner world. Nothing is what it seems. There is no such thing as “face value”. Though you tend to overthink, you are more aware of that je ne sais quoi that exists in life. The emotions that we feel but cannot articulate. You speak the language of the psyche and shed light upon it for others.
“We laugh about nothing as the summer gets cool. It’s beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me. I’m not bored or unhappy, I’m still so strange and wild.” This line speaks to what I’m trying to convey. The idea of “deep normality” embodies your outlook on life. What is normal is not necessarily boring. What others find trivial, you find meaningful.