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The Mom Superpower Of Every Zodiac Sign


Aries is naturally active, always on the go and ready for the next challenge. The first sign of the zodiac, they are born leaders, full of fiery courage, and highly motivated. They get things done, and they do it their own way. This applies to their parenting style, too. There’s no way Aries is going to let motherhood interrupt her adventurous lifestyle, and there’s no reason it needs to. Already used to bringing everything she needs with her, an Aries mom carries the most magical of magic purses. Tissues, band-aids, hand sanitizer, juice, snacks, bear whistle – Aries moms can pull anything for any occasion out of their purses. That means motherhood can be one more awesome adventure.


Taurus is resilient and reliable and has the rare ability to maintain calm through nearly anything. She values comfort, security, and stability. Hard-working as a bull, she’s ready and willing to put the work in to achieve those values. Taurus moms are like the calm in the center of a storm. No matter what may be going on around them, they remain the cool, composed voice of reason. Kitchen being remodeled? This mom’s breaking out the grill. Three kids with the flu? Nursing ward is up and ready. Morning sickness? She powers right on through. A Taurus mom can tackle anything that’s thrown at her while remaining a protective, responsible rock – and this means her children know they can come to her with anything.


As an air sign, Geminis are rational and intellectual. Ruled by Mercury, they’re especially quick on the uptake, and their dual nature means they’re used to managing a couple of things at once. Gemini moms are exceptional multitaskers, packing lunches while making breakfast, changing diapers while telling bedtime stories, and ferrying their children to and from extracurriculars while checking in emotionally. The mutable nature of Gemini means these moms are also great at switching their main focus to whatever needs their attention most, even if they’re doing so many things at once it would astonish Wonder Woman.


Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which gives this sign maternal energy right off the bat and is the reason it’s frequently associated with the Caregiver archetype. Cancers are protective, intuitive, and compassionate. However, just as a crab protects itself with its hard shell, Cancer tends to keep their guard up, not revealing their true emotions to anyone they don’t completely and totally trust. This is why so many Cancers enjoy being homebodies, spending most of their free time where they’re safe and secure. Cancer moms ensure their homes have everything their families need. They’re natural home décor and childproofing experts, and they have the magic ability to know exactly what’s in the fridge and kitchen cabinets anytime, anywhere. Whether they work full-time or are stay-at-home moms, Cancer mamas are super homemakers.


Leo is a powerful lioness, and she will stop at nothing to defend her cubs. This doesn’t just mean protecting them from bullies and baddies, either. Ruled by the Sun, Leo naturally radiates confidence and courage. She makes sure her kiddos have all the skills they need to tackle negative self-talk and all that other nasty stuff. Her superpower is giving her children the self-confidence to reach for the stars and the knowledge that they’ll always have a safe place to go back to if they don’t quite make it.


Virgos are always known for their meticulousness and organization, but Virgo moms really up the ante. Permission slip signed, missing sneaker found, dentist appointment scheduled. All the crayons are actually in the box! Diligent Virgo loves helping her kids in this way, but she’s not one to spoil them either. Her superpower is teaching her children the value of efficiency and being someone they can always put their trust in.


Fair and balanced Libras tend to be conflict-avoidant, but are great at mediating others’ conflicts. It can be hard to get on a Libra mom’s bad side, but every mom has that certain point. This is why Libra moms have mastered “The Look.” You know the look – the one that makes any kid put the cookie back in the jar, stop arguing about going to bed later, and finish their homework before going out. Libra moms don’t like being in conflict with their kiddos, and this superpower assures that they rarely need to raise their voices let alone dole out a punishment.


As a water sign, Scorpios are deeply in tune with emotions, sometimes bordering on the clairvoyant. However, they tend to keep their own emotions hidden behind a shroud of mystery. Scorpio moms can let down this shroud, forming deep emotional connections with their children. This emotional connection, combined with Scorpio’s natural intuition and emotional cloaking know-how, makes them able to spot a lie from a mile away. Scorpio moms’ superpower is lie detection.


Sagittarius is always up for an adventure. Ruled by Jupiter, they are lucky, curious, and always growing as people. A mutable sign, they are adaptable and broad-minded, constantly learning from the world. Learning is one of their key motivations for exploring. Sagittarius moms go all in, learning everything they can about their kiddos. A Sag mom knows every word to their kid’s favorite song, every rule for their favorite sport, every illustration in their favorite picture book. A Sagittarius mom’s superpower is her over-the-top memory and incredible interest in whatever has her children’s attention at the moment.


Capricorns are naturally clear thinkers, thinking before they speak, having long-term vision, and giving great advice. They are persistent, practical, and realistic. Add the incredible skills that come with being a mom, and you’ve got a super planner. Some of us have a hard enough time just planning dinner or a dentist appointment, but Capricorn has it all figured out. Homework time? Check. Vacation schedule? Check. College plans? Check. And when things get out of whack, Capricorn has resilient earth sign energy ready to provide whatever support her kiddos need.


Aquarius is no stranger to the term eccentric. Often ahead of their time, these creative individuals are always thinking forward and trying to make the world a better place. Their innovation runs the gamut from understanding the newest tech to composing soaring guitar solos. Aquarius moms take thinking outside the box and level it up to off-the-cuff on-the-go full-blown inventing. These moms can make a toy out of anything, fix a stroller with whatever happens to be in their purse, and devise games galore to keep their kiddos happy, active, and occupied. As a bonus superpower, Aquarius moms tend to rub off on their kids, instilling lifelong creativity.


Last of the water signs, Pisces are beautifully kind and empathetic. Like Scorpio, their emotional understanding dips into the psychic realm – but even more so! All moms have that little bit of intuition that lets them know their child is in trouble or making trouble. Pisces moms are straight up mind-readers! They know when their kiddos are even thinking about getting into trouble. They know what their kids want for dinner. They can give their kids playground advice before they even think about asking for it. Even cooler, Pisces moms are so in tune with emotional undercurrents that they know when it might be better to not say anything at all and wait for their kids to ask.