Luis Rodriguez

The Most Misunderstood Aspect Of Every Zodiac (And What’s Actually True)

Do you remember the last time you felt misunderstood? Everybody gets misjudged at some point or another, and it can be very hurtful, especially if you don’t understand why. Each zodiac sign is likely to make an inaccurate impression for a particular reason, based on their astrological traits. Here’s the most misunderstood aspect of every star sign, and what’s actually true about them.

Aries: They’re Super Tough

As the first fire sign of the zodiac, most Aries people come across as incredibly confident and resilient. They seem self-assured and like nothing hurts their feelings. But the truth is, Aries people overanalyze themselves so much that they are highly self-critical. Although they appear confident and are great cheerleaders for their friends, they have plenty of insecurities, just like any other sign. While they are quick to recover from arguments, they can still feel insulted and hurt. They are actually quite sensitive, especially to criticism, even though they do their best not to show it.

Taurus: They’re Lazy

It’s true, Taurus has a hedonistic side – this zodiac sign likes to indulge in decadent food, luxurious vacations, spa treatments, etc. They also love a good, long nap and a lengthy break from work. But Taurus is actually one of the most hard-working signs of the zodiac. They are just good at balancing business and pleasure – they embody the motto “work hard, play hard.” Although they don’t like to complain and they make their struggles look effortless, Taurus people are probably working harder than most of their peers. 

Gemini: They’re Liars

Geminis have an unfair reputation for being dishonest. As the sign of the twins, there are at least two sides to their personalities. And, yes, in an unevolved, immature Gemini, this can manifest as deception. But for most Geminis, it just means they have beautifully complex, multi-faceted personalities. They have a wide range of interests and love to learn new things. Although they are skilled communicators, they don’t always use this gift for lying. Mature, evolved Geminis are some of the most fascinating and honest people you could meet.

Cancer: They Are Sneaky

Cancer is guided by the moon, the celestial body that almost always keeps part of itself hidden. Like the moon, Cancer people are very private, which can make them appear sneaky. But the truth is, they are only protecting themselves. The sign of the crab is extremely sensitive and doesn’t want to get hurt. Only a few people get to know Cancers on a deep level, and they like it that way. 

Leo: They Are Overly Confident

Leos are great at putting on a front and acting extremely confident. And for the most part, they believe in themselves and have a healthy level of self-esteem. But Leos are plagued by secret insecurities; they fear they’re not good enough and they never want to let anyone down. They do their best to hide it, but it’s remarkably easy to bruise a Leo’s ego.

Virgo: They’re High-Maintenance 

Yes, it’s true that most Virgos are detail-oriented perfectionists. However, Virgo is also a mutable sign, and mutable signs are known for being adaptable, resourceful, and complex. While they are particular about some things, they can also go with the flow to accommodate others. They blend in easily with most crowds and adjust to new situations. Virgos are surprisingly low-maintenance and easy-going most of the time.

Libra: They’re Superficial 

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and money. It may seem like these are the only things that Libras care about. But the truth is that they are constantly working on improving themselves. As the sign of the scales, they make a conscious effort to balance their superficial tendencies with more meaningful pursuits. 

Scorpio: They’re Laid-Back

As a water sign, it may appear as if Scorpios just go with the flow. But this star sign is the perfect embodiment of the expression “still waters run deep.” Although they seem laid-back and aloof, they are secretly running the show. Scorpios prefer to work behind the scenes, using manipulation and secrecy to get what they want. They are very calculated and restrained, knowing just what to say and who to talk to. They measure their words and actions carefully and always manage to end up on top.

Sagittarius: They’re Rude

Sagittarians are brutally honest, but they always have the best intentions. Sometimes their jokes or casual comments come off as cruel or thoughtless, when really they were just trying to be funny. Sagittarians are also very blunt and direct, and their truthfulness may be misconstrued as viciousness. But they truly feel bad when they put their foot in their mouth, and they rarely mean to hurt anybody’s feelings.

Capricorn: They’re Unfeeling

Capricorns are very reserved, and they always appear cool, calm, and collected. But deep down, they are surprisingly sensitive. Capricorns are highly self-critical and can be quite hard on themselves. They get their feelings hurt shockingly easily, although they will never, ever show it. They want to be liked and respected by others, and they have a deep-seated fear of rejection. Capricorns will also go out of their way to protect their loved ones’ feelings and do thoughtful things for them.

Aquarius: They Hate Everyone

Aquarians can be cold and aloof, it’s true. But, as the sign of the humanitarian, Aquarians actually love other people a lot. They value society as a whole and want to contribute something helpful to the world. Because of their quirkiness and bizarre communication style, they may struggle to connect with people one-on-one. They also value their freedom and don’t want to get tied down in a relationship. But Aquarians love making genuine connections with people – they just also need plenty of alone time.

Pisces: They Are Unaware

Pisces people definitely have their heads in the clouds, and they prefer their dreams and fantasies to real life. But that doesn’t mean they don’t know what’s going on around them. Pisces is one of the most intuitive zodiac signs, so they perceive things that often go unnoticed by others. They are also very caring, so they pay attention to what matters to their loved ones.