Friends / NBC

The Obscure ‘Friends’ Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Pete Becker, Monica’s brief UFC-loving boyfriend

Pete (Jon Favreau) likes Monica, his waitress at the weird 1950s-themed diner where she works. And you know what? He goes for it. And when he decides he wants to be a pro fighter? He goes for that, too. Just like Pete, you go after what you want in life, even if other people think it’s a little silly.


Ugly Naked Guy, the enigmatic nudist in the next building

All you really want to do is sit around your home in the most comfortable way possible and enjoy your home-loving life to its fullest. You’re channeling some serious Ugly Naked Guy energy over there. If not for the naked-all-day vibes, at least for the idea that home is best and you can do whatever you want while you’re there.


Dr. Ledbetter, Ross’s boss who eats his post-Thanksgiving sandwich

When you’re the boss, you do whatever you want, and that includes eating someone’s lunch with absolutely no shame. And you’re also the type to get the employee on administrative leave when he has a problem with you stealing HIS. SANDWICH. Honestly, the give-no-shits energy looks good on you.


Russ, the Bizarro version of Ross who Rachel dates for an episode

I’m not saying you’re a weirdo or anything…but you might be a little bit of a weirdo. Even more like Russ than the off vibes is the fact that he’s so dang similar to someone else. You’re the one most likely to tailor yourself to what you think someone else likes, to be a doppelganger of your crush’s type.


Roy, Phoebe’s bachelorette stripper

You’re down for the attention. And even if you’re not exactly what people were asking for, your limitless energy and deep well of confidence will attract the right people, just like Danny Devito’s cop stripper did for Phoebe. Shake that thing, Leo.


Mr. Heckles, the neighbor that’s always complaining.

You just want everyone to shup up. Get off your lawn. Stop banging around. You have to sleep. And even if you didn’t, you still want to enjoy your waking hours in peace. Does that mean there’s at least one person out there who hates you? Probably, but you don’t care if they do. No big loss.


Estelle, Joey’s sassy agent

You’re a people person, though you’re more than a little eccentric. People love you kind of like how they love dipping pickles into ranch dressing for no discernable reason why. But you’ve got that magnetic, sassy energy that makes people just come back for more. Embrace your Pickles-in-Ranch enegery.


Amanda, Monica and Phoebe’s former friend

Amanda comes back and wastes no time stirring up past drama to watch Monica and Phoebe fight. She drops a bomb and walks away with a smile on her face. That’s just about the most Scorpio thing a person could do. You love to watch drama unfold while being completely divorced from it. (But it’s okay, because it means you’re Jennifer Coolidge.)


Ursula, Phoebe’s adult film star twin sister

Phoebe’s mad that her identical twin sister has a career in adult entertainment, but Ursula’s just out here doing what she loves. While you might not work the same sort of job, Sagittarius, you can at least relate to doing what you love regardless of what other people think. YOLO, right?


Eddie, Chandler’s brief but intense roommate

Just like Eddie, you’re intense. Maybe a little scary sometimes. You like things to go a particular way and won’t be afraid to say something when things go haywire. And, just like Eddie, you sometimes find yourself as the person someone’s with right before they find the one.


Frank Buffay Jr., Phoebe’s eccentric brother

You have some whacky ideas that some people think are a just plain bad. While you might not be asking your sister to carry your baby like Frank did to Phoebe, you’re still living your out-there dreams. And, just like how Phoebe went along with it in the end, you’re pretty good at making people excited about your hare-brained schemes.


Paul Stevens, Elizabeth’s surprising father

You’ve got this suave nature about you that makes you attract all sorts of people. It’s a magnetic energy, just like Bruce Willis had when his daughter was inexplicably dating Ross. And just like him, you’re actually super emotional deep down and might need to gas yourself up in the mirror sometimes. Let’s hope no one’s watching.