The One-Sentence Reality Check Each Zodiac Needs To Hear Before The End Of October 2023
Your boldness is only charming if it doesn’t come at the expense of others.
No one can read your mind, so you should probably start actually telling them why you’re upset.
It isn’t other people’s responsibility to entertain you when you’re feeling bored.
Just because other people aren’t as vocal about their feelings as you are, doesn’t mean theirs are any less important.
You can’t expect things to get better if you never do anything to actually change them.
It’s okay to be mad at people for being late, and it doesn’t make you uptight to feel this way.
Wanting harmony within your social circle is totally understandable, but it’s not always your responsibility to make it happen.
Just because your friends would stick with you even when you’re being a bit of a prick doesn’t mean you should test the theory.
Wanting attention is fine, but not at the expense of other people in the room.
Take a break soon or you might end the month with a massive case of burnout.
Not everyone likes to be corrected when they’ve made a simple mistake, so read the room before saying something.
If you want people to listen to you the way you listen to them, you have to actually do the talking.