
The One Thing Each Zodiac Needs To Know (But Is Afraid To Hear)

Just look for your zodiac sign below and finally get the advice that you really don’t want to hear (but should follow.) This reality check might be harsh, but you need to hear it.


You’re actually not as funny as you think you are–people are just too intimidated to tell you.


If you keep flaking on plans, your friends will stop inviting you to things–and they are this close to that eventual conclusions.


Not as many people are crushing on you as think.


Sharing your emotions so often isn’t endearing–it’s exhausting.


If your self-confidence depends on people showering you with compliments, is it really self-confidence at all?


If you keep doing everything for everyone, no one will ever do anything for you.


Things are almost never as serious as you’re making them out to be–and that’s the main reason for your anxiety.


If you keep letting past hurts keep you from opening up, you’ll spend the rest of your life closed off from everyone.


Your friends and family think you’re running away from your problems every time you go on an adventure–and they might be right.


Your compulsion to give unsolicited advice to friends isn’t cute or charming–it’s just uncalled for.


There’s a good chance that you’re a workaholic not because you love your job, but because you’re afraid to be alone with your thoughts.


At some point it’s no longer “just venting” and is instead just plain gossip.