The Person Who Influences Each Zodiac The Most
Your peers influence you the most because you always feel like you’re in a competition with them and want to succeed faster than they do so you can consider yourself ‘the best’.
Your haters influence you the most because you want to prove them wrong and succeed despite all of the nasty things they have to say about you.
Your favorite celebrities influence you the most because you put them on a pedestal and feel like your life would be significantly better if you were more like them.
Your partner influences you the most because you want to make them happy by making choices they support–and since you’re a team, you value every opinion that they share with you.
Society as a whole influences you the most because you feel pressured to meet certain milestones by a certain age and believe the lies that magazines and movies are selling you.
Your teachers and mentors influence you the most because you want to be exactly like them and feel like they must know better than you since they’re older and wiser.
Your mother figure influences you the most because you strive to be maternal like them and take good care of the people in your world that you care deeply about.
Your father figure influences you the most because you strive to be responsible like them and protect the people you love.
Your bosses influence you the most because you’re trying to get ahead in your career and need to do whatever you can to impress them.
Your supporters influence you the most because you don’t want to disappoint them and let them down when they believe in you.
Your coworkers influence you the most because they motivate you to be creative and work your hardest at whatever task is thrown in front of you.
Your friend group influences you the most because you only surround yourself with people who are strong and intelligent, so you trust their opinion more than you trust your own gut.