Brianna Wiest

‘The Pivot Year’ + Brianna Wiest Quote Each Zodiac Needs Right Now

The Pivot Year is an inspirational, eye-opening book by Brianna Wiest. If you haven’t read it yet, make sure you pick up a copy on Shop Catalog for yourself before the new year. Here is the quote from The Pivot Year that will help make your 2024 happier and healthier than all the years before:


“There is great power in not knowing. Not knowing what is
next, not knowing what to decide, not knowing how you
will make it to where you know you want and need to be. Every given moment contains within it doorways of opportunity, and when you choose to walk through one, you make realities available to you that were once invisible. When you do not know what is next, you enter the realm of infinite potential.”


“How do you know what to do next? You ask yourself, honestly, what your 90-year-old self would advise you to do. What they would have wished you had done. You ask yourself, honestly, what you’ve sensed from the beginning. What you have ignored, what you have quieted and distracted yourself from.”


“You have no idea how not alone you are. You have no idea how many other people walk through this world with similar thoughts, and fears. How many people have felt the sinking, crashing weight of heartbreak, the hope of the future, wondering if they did it all wrong. The optics can be deceiving. It is easy to feel alone. You are not alone. You have no idea how not alone you are.”


“How do you figure out what you really want? You imagine a life that would be too good to be true, and then you take note of the elements, the themes. Are you surrounded by others, are you quiet? Are you hopeful, or healing, or resting? Are you adventuring, are you in your wild? Are you creating, are you more unique?”


“Just because it is not happening in the timing you expected does not mean it is not happening.”


“Your love was not wasted on those who couldn’t love you back. Rejection may be painful, but it’s not indicative of your inability to connect. Your ability to love strengthens with practice, with time, with your clear willingness to offer love even to those least willing to receive it. Your journey, then, becomes one of discernment. It is not about how you love, but who.”


“Sustained expansion outward requires consistent nourishment inward. Remember this when it feels as though you need more rest and reassurance than ever. It is most likely because you are also growing and expanding in unprecedented ways.”


“It is the courage with which you are willing to identify your shortcomings and name your failures and attempt to rise
beyond them that will define the edges of your heart and
depth of your soul. It is not whether or not you have ever
made a wrong turn, but whether or not you were willing to
find your way back to the path.”


“That love you seek? It’s already here. Open the floodgates. Let what’s living inside of you refract around you and come pouring back in.”


“Not every piece of you is malleable. Not every element of you wants to be fixed, or needs to be. There are some that simply ask to be loved.”


“Arriving is not, I can have anything I want. It is, I already have everything I need.”


“When our desires are not directly expressed, they tend to manifest in subconscious, maladaptive, insidious ways. What’s within needs a way out, and when those desires arrive into willing hands, our minds are given a chance to find the healthiest way to fulfill those deepest needs.”