The Relationship Reminder Each Zodiac Needs This July 2023
Megan Ruth

The Relationship Reminder Each Zodiac Needs The Last Week Of July


Remember, your partner is your teammate, not your competitor. When a problem arises, you should face it alongside them and compromise with them, not attack them like they’re the enemy.


Remember, you don’t want your stubbornness to get in the way of your relationship’s success. Sometimes, you have to compromise with your partner. You have to be open to seeing things from their point of view. You can’t automatically have it your way.


Remember, if you refuse to communicate your feelings, then you’re putting up walls between you and your person. You’re not giving them the chance to understand you, or to fix whatever is bothering you.


Remember, your big heart might get you in trouble sometimes, but you should be proud of your capacity to love so hard, to care so deeply. Once you find the right person, they’re going to appreciate this about you — and you’ll find it easier to appreciate yourself.


Remember, quitting isn’t the end of the world. Sometimes, it’s the start of a brand new journey. Sometimes, it’s exactly what you need in order to reach peak happiness. So don’t hesitate to walk away when you realize you’re in the wrong place.


Remember, your heartbreak is only temporary. It might last longer than you’d like — but it won’t last forever. It won’t ruin everything. You still have so much happiness in your future. You have so much love coming your way.


Remember, your dating life doesn’t define you. You’re not worth more when you’re in a relationship or when your crush is answering your texts than when you’re single or getting ghosted. You have value, whether you feel like this is true or not. 


Remember, it’s okay to need space in a relationship. You don’t need to choose between the single life or being with someone every second of every day. It’s okay to have your own lives. It’s okay to need alone time. You’re not supposed to be connected at the hip.


Remember, you don’t want your relationship to be your sole source of happiness, the only reason you roll out of bed in the morning. It’s dangerous to put that type of pressure on one person. You need to find friendships or passions, hobbies or interests that will excite you too.


Remember, rejection is always a risk when your heart is involved. But you can’t let the possibility that something could go wrong stop you from chasing after what feels right. You need to be brave enough to seize the opportunity anyway.


Remember, trust is essential in a healthy, long-lasting relationship. You might love someone, but that love won’t be enough if you don’t believe they have your best interest at heart, if you’re always waiting for another betrayal. It’s better to be alone than in a relationship where you’re questioning every move they make.


Remember, actions matter as much as words. If your partner won’t follow through on their promises, if they won’t meet your standards even though they’re talking a big talk, then they aren’t worth your energy. Don’t move mountains for them when they wouldn’t lift a finger for you.