Danielle Drislane

The Self-Absorbed Quote That Sums Up Each Zodiac Sign


“You can’t tell me what to do.”

Aries stubbornness manifests as an almost pathological need to do the exact opposite of what people tell them to do. Of all the zodiacs, they’re the most likely to fall for reverse psychology.


“Leave me alone.”

The Taurus homebody-style comfort zone isn’t just a way for them to feel safe–it’s also a way for them to get away from all the people who annoy them.


“I’m losing interest.”

Geminis love people, which explains why they’re such great flirts. The problem? If they start getting bored they’re quick to drop you in favor of someone shiny and new.


“I’m an empath.”

While Cancers have natural empathy skills, they’re also the ones to make it their whole personality. At least it’s based on something real.


“Look at me!”

While Leos seem confident, a lot of their ego is dependent on how much praise they’re getting. That explains why they love being the center of attention so much.


“Just let me do it.”

Virgos are the go-getters who spend so much of their time perfecting how to do something. They’re rather just do it themselves than watch on as someone else does it “wrong.”


“What do you think of this text?”

Every conversation with a stereotypical Libra devolves into them showing you every text they send or receive to get your opinion on how it was worded and what it could possibly mean.


“You wouldn’t understand.”

Scorpios keep their feelings to themselves for two reasons: They don’t like to be vulnerable and they love how mysterious it makes them seem.


“You’d understand if you’d been there.”

Leave it to a Sagittarius to make everyone feel inferior for not going on the cool adventure that they won’t stop talking about.


“I told you so.”

Capricorns love to give everyone advice, whether it’s solicited or not. And if you don’t follow their orders? They’re not opposed to rubbing it in your face when things go south.


“I’d rather talk about something else.”

Aquarians either won’t shut up or they won’t say a word, and it all boils down to how interested in the subject they are. If they don’t care about what you’re saying, you’ll see them zone out in real time.


“I saw that coming a mile away.”

While they may not call it “gossip,” Pisces love to talk about all the people they know–the juicier the info, the better. And if something happens that they predicted? They won’t let you forget it.