The ‘Thank You’ Text Each Zodiac Deserves This May
Marie-Michèle Bouchard

The Thank You Text Each Zodiac Deserves This May


Thank you for always setting aside time for me in your busy schedule and treating me like a priority, even though you have so much on your plate.


Thank you for always being honest with me about your thoughts and feelings, and never hesitating to share what’s on your mind.


Thank you for giving me so many reasons to smile and always finding the positive in every situation.


Thank you for always being there for me, even when it’s inconvenient, even when it means going completely out of your way. 


Thank you for seeing the beauty in me and reminding me of my worth whenever I’m feeling bad about myself.


Thank you for actively listening when I speak and making me feel like my thoughts and opinions actually matter.


Thank you for being so thoughtful and frequently checking in to see how I’m doing and if there’s anything I need.


Thank you for putting one hundred percent of your effort into everything that you do and inspiring me to do the same.


Thank you for always making me laugh, joking around, and cheering me up when I’m in an awful mood. 


Thank you for being such a calming presence and always standing by my side through thick and thin.


Thank you for accepting me, never judging me, and making me feel completely comfortable in your presence.


Thank you for being so consistent, keeping all of your promises, and being there for me no matter what.