Alexander Mass

The Toxic Trait That Attracts You Like A Magnet In Love, According To Tarot

Everyone has a list of wonderful qualities they look for in a romantic partner – but did you know you’re probably subconsciously seeking out toxic traits, too?

Most of us have experienced dating or being drawn to someone bad for us. Whether they are a toxic person or their qualities just don’t mesh with ours, some partners are simply the wrong choice for lasting love. So, what’s the toxic trait that attracts you like a magnet? Here’s the destructive characteristic you look for in love, according to tarot.

Aries: Privilege

Your card is the 10 of Pentacles, which symbolizes wealth and legacy. You’re an interesting mix, Aries – as the first sign of the zodiac, you’re fiercely independent, yet you secretly yearn for someone to nurture you. You may look for someone with generational wealth who can take care of you financially. You like a partner who comes from a privileged background, which sometimes comes with other toxic qualities. But when you focus on finances, you’re not really looking for love. And generational wealth doesn’t even reflect their work ethic or financial skills. Trust in your ability to make and manage money instead of relying on a partner for these things, and focus on forming a true love connection.

Taurus: Complacency

Your tarot card is the Ace of Pentacles, reversed, which represents financial instability and missed opportunities. You’re a very financially savvy zodiac sign, Taurus, so you don’t need to worry about running out of money. But you tend to resist change, and you may choose a partner who does the same. You like stability in a relationship, but when both of you refuse to take risks, you’ll never make progress. You need someone who is a bit more dynamic and adventurous than you are to guarantee you both keep moving forward in life

Gemini: Chaos

Your card is The Lovers, reversed, which is fascinating because The Lovers is the major arcana tarot card associated with your zodiac sign. When reversed, it represents unstable relationships and a need for self-reflection and personal growth. You have such a multi-faceted personality, Gemini, and you look for someone who has as many sides as you do. But dating someone who constantly changes means you never know what to expect. You subconsciously enjoy the chaos of a roller-coaster relationship – you hate being bored, so you’d rather have a toxic, wild love than a stable, secure one. The truth is, you need someone who isn’t exactly like you to balance you. Reliability and adaptability are the traits you should be looking for in a partner, instead of the reckless bad boy/girl you usually like.

Cancer: Emotional Instability

The card that came up for you is the Knight of Cups, reversed, which stands for unreliability, recklessness, and emotional imbalance. You’re a very sensitive and compassionate zodiac sign, Cancer, so you embrace your partner’s every mood, even the terrible ones. You tolerate emotional outbursts because you understand them so well. But you don’t need to put up with reckless or even dangerous behavior to prove your love – you deserve stability and calmness. 

Leo: Familiarity

Your tarot card is the 8 of Cups, reversed, which indicates a resistance to change and not letting go of the past. You can be very stubborn and set in your ways, Leo, so you tend to repeat relationship patterns. You go for the same “type” of partner over and over again, even though it never works out. You need to venture out of your comfort zone and date someone unexpected, someone unlike anyone you’ve ever dated before, in order to break the cycle and find true love.

Virgo: Caution

The card that appeared for you is the 6 of Cups, reversed, which suggests a fear of new experiences. No one would accuse you of being a risk-taker, Virgo – you’re very careful and make detailed plans for everything you do. While you value caution in a partner, it’s not what you need – someone too similar to you will only feed your anxiety and make you even more buttoned-up. You need someone who will help you throw caution to the wind and take the occasional risk. 

Libra: Indecision

Your card is the 4 of Cups, which stands for missed opportunities and feeling stuck. You’re very indecisive, Libra, so you understand this quality in a partner. You won’t judge them for being paralyzed by indecision and endlessly weighing the pros and cons of every option. But you need someone with the opposite trait, someone who makes choices swiftly and confidently. If you pick someone too indecisive like you, you’ll end up in stagnancy, missing opportunities as you over-analyze them.

Scorpio: Arrogance

Your tarot card is The Hierophant, which represents a spiritual teacher, guidance, and wisdom. You give your all in relationships, Scorpio – you’re looking for a true soulmate, a partner who will stand by your side through everything. But you tend to put TOO much emphasis on your romantic relationships, letting other aspects of your life suffer. Your partner knows how highly you regard them, and it can make them arrogant within the relationship – like they’re your god or mentor rather than your equal partner. Look for someone who treats you as well as you treat them, instead of putting them on a pedestal and encouraging their cockiness.

Sagittarius: Low Self-Esteem

The card that came up for you is The Star, reversed, which indicates low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence. You’re a great cheerleader, Sagittarius, and you can build up any partner with your endless optimism and charisma. But it’s not your job to be the source of someone else’s self-esteem – of course you should encourage them, but their lack of faith in themselves shouldn’t drag you down. Look for someone as confident and self-assured as you are – that’s a much better match for you than someone who is plagued by constant insecurity.

Capricorn: Codependency

Your card is the 5 of Pentacles, which represents financial difficulty and hardship. This may come as a surprise to you, Capricorn, but the toxic trait you seek in a partner is codependency. It’s a surprise because you’re so independent, and you dislike a clingy date. But secretly, you prefer a partner who needs you more than you need them – it proves your worth and makes you feel secure in the relationship. You’ve got to work on your insecurity in love, and find someone as independent as you are. Mutual respect and admiration are crucial to your relationship success.

Aquarius: Disinterest

The card that appeared in your reading is the Knight of Swords, reversed, which indicates a lack of focus. You tend to want what you can’t have, Aquarius – someone who won’t focus on you drives you crazy. You’ll chase them until they’re obsessed with you, then you immediately lose interest. You’ve got to recognize this habit and break it if you want to find lasting love. Look for someone who wants you as much as you want them from the very beginning, instead of turning love into a game to be won.

Pisces: Mysteriousness

Your tarot card is The Moon, reversed, which stands for overcoming illusions. You tend to fall for the idea of someone rather than who they really are, Pisces. You like someone mysterious, because the less you know about them, the more you can project your fantasies onto them. But when you discover who they truly are, the illusion is shattered, and you fall out of love. Look for someone who is upfront and open from the beginning. Make a conscious effort to learn about their personality instead of molding them into who you want them to be in your mind.